经销商 上海梓聪机电设备有限公司是专业从事欧、美、日、韩等工业产品代理的服务性企业。梓聪机电是注册资金110万,大型专业化自动化设备有限公司,良好的信誉一直是公司发展的动力和基石。主要代理产品凯德(KELD)温控器,德国吕策(LUTZE),德国赫斯默(Hesmor)产品,其价格和货期具有巨大的优势。我公司的主要业务推广代理产品及承接自动化系统、工程设计、成套安装及调试,我们的产品广泛应用在电力、石化、冶金、机械、造纸、食品、轻工、纺织、制造、环保等领域。
美国MOOG穆格——伺服阀、开关、泵 、连接器、过滤器 德国HYDAC贺德克——传感器、测量仪、开关、过滤器及滤芯 德国吕策(LUTZE)——线缆类,自动化类
美国艾默生EMERSON——膨胀阀、调节阀、截止阀、过滤器及滤芯等(主营流体控制产品) 德国赫斯曼(HIRSCHMANN )产品——连接器
法国Crouzet高诺斯——继电器、计数器、气动、电源 美国GE通用低压全系列——接触器、断路器、继电器、线圈、附件、PLC模块
日本多摩川TAMAGAWA——编码器、旋转变压器、步进 电机全系列
英国欧陆EUROTHERM全系列--- 温度控制表、可控硅、 记录仪、DCS系统
意大利杰佛伦GEFRAN---- 压力传感器、位移传感器、调功器、温度控制表
意大利伊力威ELIWELL--- 温度控制表,传感器
意大利美控EVCO--温控器 日本富士FUJI—变频器、有纸无纸记录仪
日本理化RKC 温控表--- D400、FB400、FB900、CD901、 CH402、CH102、CB100 日本欧姆龙OMRON-温控器、传感器·
中国台湾研华ADVANTECH--- PCI板卡、工控整机、机箱、一体化工作站、PLC板卡
勤奋敬业 诚实奉贤 科技先锋 *
礼义智信 以人为本 踏实严谨 快速高效
10224 4048879029575 NEF EMC-Filter, 1-phase, 1-stage NEF 1-6,5 TZ
10415 4048879029407 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 1-stage
10416 4048879029391 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 1-stage
10460 4048879029384 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10461 4048879029377 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10462 4048879029360 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10463 4048879029353 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10464 4048879029346 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10466 4048879029339 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10470 4048879029322 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10471 4048879029315 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10472 4048879029308 MEF EMC-Filter 1-phase 2-stage
10510 4048879029292 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10511 4048879029285 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10512 4048879029278 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10513 4048879029261 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10531 4048879029254 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10532 4048879029247 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10533 4048879029230 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10534 4048879029223 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10535 4048879029216 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10537 4048879029209 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10538 4048879029193 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10539 4048879029186 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10550 4048879029179 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10551 4048879029162 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10552 4048879029155 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10553 4048879029148 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10554 4048879029131 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10555 4048879029124 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10556 4048879029117 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10571 4048879029100 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10572 4048879029094 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10574 4048879029087 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10575 4048879029070 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10577 4048879029063 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10578 4048879029056 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10600 4048879029049 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
10601 4048879029032 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
10602 4048879029025 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
11004 4048879278652 M12 male straight with cable
11006 4048879278638 M12 male angular / MSUD valve form BI 11mm 0°
11007 4048879278621 M12 male angular / MSUD valve form BI 11mm 0°
11113 4048879333238 M12 male straight 4pol./ M12 female straight 8pol.
12219 4048879277914 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12220 4048879277907 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12221 4048879277891 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12225 4048879277884 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
12226 4048879277877 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
12227 4048879277860 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
12234 4048879277853 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12235 4048879277846 MSUDK-CB5K-MA1.5 VERGUSS
12240 4048879277839 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12405 4048879277822 MSUDK-SB1K-KA0.5
12408 4048879277815 MSUDK-SB1K-KA3.0
12429 4048879277808 MSUDK-TB1K-KA5.0
12502 4048879277792 MSZLB-A-UFD3.0
12503 4048879277785 MSZLB-A-UFD5.0
13012 4048879277778 M12 female str. with open ended cable
13013 4048879277761 M12 female str. with open ended cable
13032 4048879277754 M12 female angular with cable
13034 4048879277747 M12 female angular with cable
13035 4048879277730 M12 female angular with cable
13112 4048879277723 M12 male str. to M12 female 90°