M80080100 Eco Agarose Eco琼脂糖
上海逍鹏生物科技有限公司 (Shanghai XP Biomed Co., Ltd.)于2005年由诸多生物专业的学者与*业者共同投资成立,以细胞生物学为主轴并向分子生物学、基因组学、蛋白组学延伸,致力于结合国內外生物技术、生命科学研究、以及生物科技产业之发展,目标是为广大的科研用户提供科研整体解决方案,以加速科研进度并得到高质量的实验数据。
逍鹏公司经过多年发展正在大踏步的扩展业务,作为Biological Industries(BI)中国市场部,目前全国有二十几家经销商,致力于将BI产品推向全国各地科研机构等。另外公司还有Vivacell系列产品,BiOptic全自动核酸分析系统,Molecular Devices多功能酶标仪及试剂盒,Telstar生物安全柜及冻干机等等。
中文名称: Eco低电渗琼脂糖
规 格: 100 g
储 存: 室温,干燥保存2年
Eco高纯度低电渗(Low EEO)多用途琼脂糖,采用绿色环保原创工艺,生产全程不使用有机溶剂,减少对环境污染,减少对操作者和样品影响。适用于DNA/RNA凝胶电泳。
Eco低电渗琼脂糖Eco LE Agarose特性:
CAS :9012-36-6
Appearance:white powder
Solubility:clear colorless solution at 1G plus 100ml water
Gel strength:>1200 g/cm2 (1% Gel)
Gelling point:36℃±1.5℃(1.5% Gel)
Melting point:88℃±1.5℃(1.5% Gel)
Endonuclease/ligase inhibitory factor:NONE
1. Easy preparation of gel by standard boiling or microwaving.
2. High gel strength makes it easy to handle gel without fracturing even at lower concentration.
3. Low EEO reduces disruption of DNA separation. Electroendosmosis(EEO) is one of the most important characteristics of agarose. Anionic group in agarose gel is affixed to the matrix and can not move, but dissociable counter cations can migrate towards the cathode in the matrix, giving rise to EEO, EEO can disrupt separations of DNA because of internal convection .The lower EEO is, the faster DNA will migrate, additionally, lower EEO helps to improve the resolution of DNA and RNA as their migration is determined only by their size, not by their charge.
4. Low background during fluorescent staining
5. No detectable nuclease and protease
6. Environmental preferable agarose. No any organic solvent used in production