P3010 泰克无源探头
生产厂家深圳市仪表世界连锁店有限公司(以下简称“仪表世界“),专业生产销售各种仪器仪表,成立于1999年3月5日,注册资金一千万人民币,总部位于深圳。是技、工、贸相结合,具有独立法人资格的有限责任公司,公司拥有一支高素质、高水平的卓有成效的团队。建立了*手的相对稳定而又十分专业的信息资源及来货供应体系。 致力于向客户提供安全、耐用、精准的仪器仪表。我们的优势来源于专业与热忱,“为客户赢利”是我们追求的目标!我们拥有雄厚的技术力量、优质的服务、良好的信誉以及完善的售后支持。
公司总部: 广东省深圳市福田区华强北世纪汇广场都会轩41楼4107 联系电话:0755-83763550 18938077528
深圳展厅:深圳市福田区华强北世纪汇广场都会轩41楼4107层 联系电话:0755-83681120 18938077519
广州门市:广东省广州市越秀区惠福西路298号 联系电话:020-83510299
主要合作伙伴包括:美国泰克 美国福禄克 美国安捷伦 中国台湾可罗马 中国台湾固纬 常州同惠 杭州远方 常州快克锡焊 南京长盛 深圳华谊仪表 等等
P3010 泰克无源探头
Passive voltage probes are the most commonly used oscilloscope probe. Other specialty probes expand the range and functionality of an oscilloscope as a measurement system, but a general-purpose, passive voltage probe is the working end of the oscilloscope, a tool used every day by engineers and technicians.
Two years of customer research, design innovation, and an exhaustive test program resulted in a most remarkable family of oscilloscope probes. This family of passive voltage probes is specifically designed for Tektronix analog and digital portable oscilloscopes. The 1X and 10X switchable probes combine the same high-quality electrical performance that customers expect from Tektronix with a new rugged mechanical design.
These probes are encased in a resilient, molded rubber body that is virtually indestructible. They are lighter in weight, more comfortable to hold, and more reliable than modular probe styles. The probes' replaceable tips are designed to withstand up to 20 pounds of force. Patented integral strain relief allows complete freedom of movement while providing superior cable flex. Each probe has received UL safety certification and meets MIL-T-28800, Class 3, environment specifications – something portable scope users will appreciate.
The P3010, P6101B, and P6111B probes are designed to complement the Tektronix family of portable DSO and ART instruments. The core of each probe's performance is supplied by a Tektronix HYBRID/SMT device.
The instrumentation experience possessed by Tektronix provides an extra margin of quality and reliability to the molded probes that is not commonly available to probe manufacturers. These molded probes have been designed and tested to support the overall system performance and measurement quality that Tektronix oscilloscopes guarantee.