代理商瑞轩电子科技(上海)有限公司经过十年的奋斗和沉淀,公司现已成为国内优质的仪器仪表检测设备供应商。 十年来,公司从成立之初的经营焊接设备与无损检测设备2条产品线的优势产品,发展扩充为涵盖无损检测、气体检测、水质检测、实验室仪器、建筑工程检测、环境安全、焊接与切割、电工仪表、劳动安全保护、工具与小型设备、流体控制、地下管线检测、消防抢险救援、阴极保护防腐、材料分析设备等15条产品线的全系列产品,产品适用领域日益扩大,可满足各行各业对仪器仪表检测设备的需求。
BN100A - Bridge calibration unit
The BN100A bridge calibration unit is a highly precise calibrator to calibrate measuring equipment and measurement chains which function with a carrier
frequency of 225Hz. In the first instance the BN100A is intended for the calibration of the DMP40 and DMP40S2 digital precision instruments.
Product Description
The BN100A bridge calibration unit is inserted in the measuring system to be calibrated in place of the transducer (full bridge), or is connected directly with the measuring instrument, and simulates with the aid of switchable inductive dividers the output signals of the transducer in a range of ±100mV/V.
The unique precision of the simulation of the transducer signals is effected by a control circuit which additionally reduces the low error of the inductive divider stages of a large degree. The full accuracy of the BN100A only comes into effect when it is connected in the six-wire-circuit. The calibration error will then be max. 5ppm with a signal of 2mV/V.
Key Features
High-precision simulation of defined output signals of 350ohm strain-gage full-bridge transducers
Calibration signal adjustable in 0.1mV/V steps in the range from -100mV/V to +100mV/V
0.0005 accuracy
For transducer excitation with 225Hz carrier frequency