生产厂家 金湖奥科仪表有限公司座落在美丽富饶的高邮湖畔,有“天下*荷花”美称的鱼米之乡——江苏省金湖境内,风景秀丽,交通方便。公司主要经营:流量仪表:涡街流量计,涡轮流量计,电磁流量计,椭圆齿轮流量计,金属管浮子流量计;压力仪表:压力表,压力变送器,差压变送器等;温度仪表:热电偶,热电阻;液位计仪表:磁翻板液位计,投入式液位计等系列产品,广泛应用于石油、电力、化工、冶金、制药、自来水等行业并远销东南亚与中亚地区。
柴油流量计--金湖奥科仪表有限公司--销售一部--: 刘
一、柴油流量计产品简介 Product introduction
AK- LC系列(柴油流量计)是用于管道中液体流量连续或间断测量和控制的容积式计量仪表。它具有量程范围大、准确度高、压力损失小、粘度适应性强、能测量高温高粘液体、标定方便、安装简易等诸多优点。适用于石油、柴油,化工、化纤、交通、商贸、食品、医药卫生等部门的流量计量。
AK-LC series of elliptical gear flowmeter is used for volume measurement instrument piping of liquid flow in continuous or intermittent measurement and control. It has large measuring range, High accuracy, Small pressure loss, Viscosity adaptability, Measurement of high temperature and high viscosity liquid, Calibration is easy, Easy installation and many other advantages. Flow measurement used in petroleum, chemical, chemical fiber, transportation, commerce, food, medicine and public health departments.
AK-LC series of elliptical gear flowmeter is provided with a pointer and a character wheel accumulation device, Can directly display the liquid flow and transient flow through the pipeline. Additional signaling device and electric display instrument can be accumulated in the counting mechanism, Quantitative and instantaneous flow remote centralized control. The radiator is installed or elliptic gear capable of measuring high temperature, high viscosity liquid.
二、柴油流量计结构与工作原理 The structure and working principle
Elliptical gear flowmeter by flow transmitter and counting mechanism. The radiator is installed between transmitter and counting mechanism, Is a high temperature type flowmeter. Transducer is composed of a metering chamber is provided with a pair of elliptical gear rotor and seal coupling, Counting mechanism is composed of reducer, Adjusting mechanism, counter, transmitter.