数字交流输入模块Digital AC Input Modules
1756-IA8D 79-132 VAC Diagnostic Input 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IA16 79-132 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IA16I 79-132 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IA32 74-132 VAC Input 32 Pts (36P)
1756-IM16I 159-265 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IN16 10-30 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
数字直流输入模块Digital DC Input Modules
1756-IB16 10-31 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IB16D 10-30 VDC Diagnostic Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16I 10-30 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16IF 10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB16ISOE 10-30 VDC Individually Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IB32 10-31 VDC Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IC16 30-60 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IG16 0-5 VDC TTL Input (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IH16I 90-146 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IH16ISOE 125 VDC Isolated Sequence of Event Input 16Pt (36 Pin)
1756-IV16 10-30 VDC Sourcing Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IV32 10-30 VDC Sourcing Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)
数字交流输出模块Digital AC Output Modules
1756-OA8 74-265 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA8D 74-132 VAC Diagnostic Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA8E 74-132 VAC Elec Fused 2A Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA16 74-265 VAC Output 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OA16I 74-265 VAC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-ON8 10-30 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
数字直流输出模块Digital DC Output Modules
1756-OB8 10-30 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OB8EI 10-30 VDC Isolated Electronically Fused Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB8I 10-30 VDC Isolated Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16D Click to view... 19-30 VDC Diagnostic Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16E 10-31 VDC Electronically Fused Output 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OB16I 10-30 VDC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16IEF 10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Output with PWM 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB16IEFS 10-30 VDC Scheduled, Electronically-Protected, Sinking Sourcing, Isolated, Fast Output Module
1756-OB16IS 10-30 VDC Isolated Output Cam 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OB32 10-31 VDC Output 32 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OC8 30-60 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OG16 0-5 VDC TTL Output (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OH8I 90-146 VDC Isolated 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OV16E 10-30 VDC Electronically Fused Sinking Output 16 Pt (20 Pin)
1756-OV32E 10-30 VDC Electronically Fused Sinking Output 32 Pt (36 Pin)
数字触点输出模块Digital Contact Output Modules
1756-OW16I N.O. Isolated Relay Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-OX8I N.O./N.C. Isolated Relay Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
模拟量输入模块Analog Input Modules
1756-IF8 Analog Input - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IF8H Analog Differential Input HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IF6CIS Isolated Analog In-Current Sourcing 6 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IF6I Click to view... Isolated Analog Input-Current/Voltage 6 Pts (20Pin)
1756-IF16 Analog Input - Current/Voltage 16 Pts (36 Pin)
1756-IF16H Click to view... Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART
模拟量输出模块Analog Output Modules
1756-OF4 Analog Output - Current/Voltage 4 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF6CI Isolated Analog Output - Current 6 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF6VI Isolated Analog Output - Voltage 6 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF8 Analog Output - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-OF8H Analog Output HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (20 Pin)
模拟组合模块Analog Combination Modules
1756-IF4FXOF2F Fast Analog 4 Cur-Volt In/2 Cur-Volt Out (36 Pin)
热电阻和热电偶模块RTD and Thermocouple Modules
1756-IR6I Isolated RTD Input 6 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IT6I Isolated Thermocouple/Mv Input 6 Pts (20 Pin)
1756-IT6I2 Enhanced Isolated Thermocouple/Mv Input 6Pts (20 Pin)
特殊功能模块Specialty Modules
1756-CFM 2 Channel/2 Out Configurable Flowmeter (20Pin)
1756-HSC 2 Channel / 4 Output High Speed Counter (36 Pin)
1756-PLS Programmable Limit Switch Module (3-20 Pin)
1756-LSC8XIB8I 10-30 VDC Counters at 40 KHz, 8 Counters / 8 Isolated Inputs, Peer to Peer Input (36 Pin)
可拆卸接线端子Removable Terminal Blocks:
1756-TBCH: 36 Pin Screw Clamp Block With Standard Housing
1756-TBE: Extended Depth Terminal Block Housing
1756-TBNH: 20 Position NEMA Screw Clamp Block
1756-TBS6H: 36 Pin Spring Clamp Block With Standard Housing
1756-TBSH: 20 Pin Spring Clamp Block With Standard Housing
- 安装在 ControlLogix? 框架中
- 需要可拆卸端子块 (RTB) 或 Bulletin 1492 接线接口模块 (IFM) 来进行所有现场接线
- 固有的时间戳功能适用于事件序列 (SOE) 应用项目
- 全面的 I/O 诊断,可检测系统故障和现场故障
- 可带电插拔 (RIUP),便于维护
- 电子键控功能有助于防止替换错误
- 通过 Studio 5000? Logix Designer 应用程序中的 I/O 向导,可快速方便地进行模块配置。
1756 ControlLogix 数字量 I/O 模块
- 各种电压
- 每个模块有 8 至 32 个点
- 隔离和非隔离模块类型
- 点级输出故障状态
- 直接连接或机架优化通信
- 对选定模块进行现场诊断
1756 ControlLogix 模拟量 I/O 模块
- 输入、输出和组合模块
- 热电偶和热电阻模块
- 板载数据报警
- 工程单位整定
- 实时通道采样
- 电子模块匹配,可通过软件进行配置
- 机械可拆卸端子块匹配,用户自定义
1756 ControlLogix 特殊功能 I/O 模块
- 可配置的流量计模块
- 高速计数器模块
- 可编程限位开关模块
1756 ControlLogix 可拆卸端子块 (RTB)
- 提供工厂接线与 I/O 模块之间的灵活互连
- 螺丝夹或弹簧夹端子
- 不附带 I/O 模块;必须单独订购
ControlLogix控制系统 I/O模块
Bulletin 1756 ControlLogix? I/O 模块提供了全面的数字量、诊断数字量、模拟量、运动控制和特殊功能 I/O,可满足各种应用项目需要。您可以使用 ControlLogix 控制器的本地机架中的任何 I/O 模块,或者使用通过 ControlNet? 或 EtherNet/IP? 网络连接到 ControlLogix 控制器的机架中的任何 I/O 模块。
- c-UL-us、CE、CSA、C-Tick、FM、ATEX、T?V