南昌市泉庚实业有限公司 是一家致力于进口及国产实验室设备、仪器仪表、机械测试设备、机电测试设备及各种仪器设备配件等服务的企业,公司主要经营产品有:ISOLAB容量瓶量筒、ISOLAB烧杯烧瓶、ISOLAB样品储存瓶、ISOLAB玻璃仪器配件、ISOLAB移液管滴定管、ISOLAB滴定器分液器、ISOLAB分液滴液漏斗及配件、ISOLAB玻璃器皿塑料器皿、Nalgene广口瓶窄口、Nalgene细口瓶培养瓶、Nalgene烧杯烧瓶滴瓶、NUNC产品、德国赫施曼液体操作产品、进口产品及国产试剂、容量瓶、烧瓶、烧杯及标准品等;萃取仪、氮吹仪、折射仪、风速仪、水份仪、红外测温仪、测振仪、转速表、激光测距仪、测定仪、超声波测厚仪、涂层测厚仪、硬度计、尘埃粒子计数器、搅拌器、恒温器、计数器、电子天平、气体检测仪器等;橡胶塑料密度计、通用型固体密度计、粉体密度计、多功能密度计、贵金属黄金纯度分析测试仪等;刀具、夹具、量具、三坐标测量仪、影像仪、拉力试验机及数控设备等;产品广泛应用于纺织、冶金、化工、轻工、农业、医疗、大专院校、科研单位等。 泉庚公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户*”的原则,为广大客户提供的服务,欢迎广大客户惠顾! 客户*,信誉*,质量*,服务*”是泉庚实业对客户的承诺。质量是我们的一贯宗旨,我们秉承以信待人、以质服人的原则,长远服务客户、不断创新发展的方针,与您携手共进,共创美好明天。
Manufactured from optically clear polystyrene with excellent optical transperancy.
Sterilied with gamma irradiation, free of RNase, DNase, DNA and pyrogene.
Ergonomic design for large growth area and easy handling with slip-free stacking possibility.
External grip edges in the gripping ring prevents accidental dropping of the dish bottom.
Stacking ring on the lid and the corresponding base part guarantees secure stacking option.
With surface treated uniform flat growth surface for suspension culture.
货 号 | 直径 | 高度 | 培养面积 | 工作容积 | 表面处理 | 外部控制 | 每包数量 | 每箱数量 |
120.03.035 | 35 mm | 10 mm | 9.4 cm2 | 3 ml | yes | yes | 10 pieces | 500 pieces |
120.03.060 | 60 mm | 15 mm | 21.5 cm2 | 5 ml | yes | yes | 10 pieces | 500 pieces |
120.03.090 | 90 mm | 20 mm | 57.0 cm2 | 12.5 ml | yes | yes | 10 pieces | 200 pieces |
ISOLAB 2015 Catalogue
货号 | 产品描述 | 包裝數量 | 每箱規格 |
121.01.013 | cell scrapper - 13 mm | 1 piece / pack | 100 packs / case |
121.02.020 | cell scrapper - 20 mm | 1 piece / pack | 100 packs / case |
120.01.025 | flask - cell culture - vent cap - 25 cm2 - 7 ml | 5 pieces / pack | 40 packs / case |
120.01.075 | flask - cell culture - vent cap - 75 cm2 - 25 ml | 5 pieces / pack | 20 packs / case |
120.01.175 | flask - cell culture - vent cap - 175 cm2 - 50 ml | 5 pieces / pack | 8 packs / case |
120.02.025 | flask - cell culture - plug seal cap - 25 cm2 - 7 ml | 5 pieces / pack | 40 packs / case |
120.02.075 | flask - cell culture - plug seal cap - 75 cm2 - 25 ml | 5 pieces / pack | 20 packs / case |
120.02.175 | flask - cell culture - plug seal cap - 175 cm2 - 50 ml | 5 pieces / pack | 8 packs / case |
120.03.035 | petri dish - cell culture - 35 mm diameter | 10 pieces / pack | 50 packs / case |
120.03.060 | petri dish - cell culture - 60 mm diameter | 10 pieces / pack | 50 packs / case |
120.03.090 | petri dish - cell culture - 90 mm diameter | 10 pieces / pack | 20 packs / case |
122.01.006 | multiwell plate - cell culture - 3 ml | 1 piece / pack | 50 packs / case |
122.01.012 | multiwell plate - cell culture - 2 ml | 1 piece / pack | 50 packs / case |
122.01.024 | multiwell plate - cell culture - 1 ml | 1 piece / pack | 50 packs / case |
122.01.096 | multiwell plate - cell culture - 0,2 ml | 1 piece / pack | 50 packs / case |
089.03.012 | PCR tube rack - 96 well | 1 piece / pack | |
089.03.013 | PCR work station | 1 piece / pack | |
092.18.008 | freeer box - for PCR tubes | 1 piece / pack | |
089.08.001 | PCR transfer tray | 1 piece / pack |