RPP-5000N/7000N Nitrogen Analyzer(氮)
生产厂家Analytic Zhonghuan, an ISO 9001:2008 company, specializes in analytical methods and software. The company provides a board array of high-level, sophisticated instruments include electrochemical analyzers, automatic titrator, water test kits and elemental analysis all managed by Zhonghuan software platform. To ensure product development and quality, we also provide an extensive range of high-precision physical testing and measuring technology.
RPP-5000N/7000N Nitrogen Analyzer
(Determination of Trace Nitrogen in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Oxidative Combustion and Chemiluminescence)
ASTM D4629, ASTM D5762, ASTM D6069, Chemiluminescence, Nitrogen Analyzer, Oxidative Combustion, Syringe-Inlet, Boat-Inlet
Main Parts: Nitrogen Analyzer, Temperature Control System, Sample Injector, Computer…
Key Parts: Optical Filter, Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), Membrane Drying System…
(Key parts are using products from corporations with an international reputation)
1. Samples: solid, fluid, gaseous, paste-like and LPG samples… (choose the corresponding sample injector)
2. Measurement Range: 0.1mg/L~10000mg/L~ percent content
3. Analysis Time: 2min
4. LIMS System Available
5. Power Supply: AC220V±20V, 50Hz±0.5Hz; Power Rating: 3000W