pb 1100 F CU CA schott pb 1100 F CU CA 铅 氟 铜 钙 离子电极
代理商桂宁(上海)实验器材有限公司(Labcan Scientific)专业代理实验室仪器设备,耗材,是国内实验器材集成供应商,拥有广泛而稳固的客户群体和分销网络。目前拥有十多个欧、美,日品牌的一级代理权,产品资源丰富,种类齐全。产品涵盖计量仪器、实验室通用仪器、化学分析、生命科学研究等。如分析天平、水分仪、粘度计、折光仪、超声波细胞破碎仪、气体透过率测定仪等,涉及从化工、制药、日化、食品、涂料、建材、电子、汽车到农业、商检、质检、卫生防疫以及高校、研究单位等多个行业实验室。我们秉持“专业服务、合作双赢”的经营理念,我们深信唯有提供品质产品及专业、快速的服务,才能建立企业信誉,为科技创新贡献力量!
Labcan Scientific China is a service and distributor company, serving new material, automotive,food, pharma and life science market. The actual innovations and scientific advances will drastically change the testing market in the coming years. We are dedicated to bring cutting-edge technologies to China.
Our Added Value
Smart distribution network in China
Contact with local Key Opinion Leaders
Professional pre-marketing services
Strong focus on solutions
Science driven, market oriented approach
schott pb 1100 F CU CA 铅 氟 铜 钙 离子电极
schott pb 1100 F CU CA 铅 氟 铜 钙 离子电极技术参数
货号 型号 长度[mm] 温度范围[°C] 量程[mg/l] Remarks
285102808 NH 1100 120 0 … 50 0.1 … 1,000 membrane module replaceable