泰克 TLA715 逻辑分析仪
公司现货供应惠普(安捷伦)、泰克、安立、爱得万、横河、安腾、力科、马可尼(IFR)、R&S等世界之频谱分析仪、网络分析仪、无线综合测试仪、逻辑分析仪、阻抗分析仪、信号源、信号发生器、信号分析仪、中高档示波器、频率计、电子与负载等电子通用测试仪器及误码仪、眼图仪、光谱分析仪、光时域反射仪(OTDR)、可调谐激光源、光功率计、光衰减器等光纤通信仪器。 仪器品种繁多,并可提供计量合格证书及壹年保修、终身维护的售后服务。
TLA715 TLA721 逻辑分析仪
TLA715 and TLA721 主机是板卡式模块主框架,可接受TLA7Axx 和TLA7Lx/Mx/Nx/Px/Qx 逻辑分析仪模块、以及TLA7Dx/Ex数字存储示波器 ... TLA715 和TLA721 是构建立于Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional PC 平台上的主机系统,为用户提供了熟悉的工作环境
Holds 4 single-wide or 2 double-wide modules
Instrument modules include logic analyzers, pattern generators and digitizing oscilloscopes
Up to 800 MHz state acquisition with 1.25 GB/s data rate for advanced processors and buses
8 GHz deep timing analysis
MagniVu™ technology provides 500 ps timing resolution on all channels all the time through the same probe
Simultaneous state and high speed timing analysis through the same probes pinpoints elusive faults
Broad processor and bus support universal source code support for correlating high-level language source with real-time trace
Performance analysis support for optimizing target system remote control using Microsoft COM/DCOM technology supports advanced data analysis
Windows 2000 Professional PC Platform provides familiar user interface with network connectivity