3725-018 3725i手动进样阀配件 3725-018转子密封圈
杭州亚莱博仪器有限公司长期专注于国内外色谱配件、耗材和色谱柱的代理销售,并努力塑造和推广alab品牌,alab品牌经营的产品精挑细选。 亚莱博公司拥有一个专业、年轻、有活力的团队,从销售到技术支持都一直坚持精益求精、诚实守信的公司核心企业文化,用心服务于广大客户。 代理品牌主要有:大连依利特、上海伍丰、兰化所、中科安泰、上海月旭、苏州赛分、天津艾杰尔、迪马、Agilent、Waters、Shimadzu、GL、YMC、Restek、Grace、Alltech、Kromasil、ThermoFisher、Shodex、TOSOH TSKgel、Supelco、Phenomenex、Perkin-Elmer、Hamilton、SGE、Merck、MN等。
3725i手动进样阀配件 3725-018转子密封圈
The standard rotor seal in many Rheodyne® manual valves is made from a Vespel® blend. This polyimide has low wear and high chemical resistance. Vespel tolerates a pH range of 0 to 10. Solutions more basic than pH 10 dissolve Vespel which damages the rotor seal. If you use any solutions above pH 10, Rheodyne recommends a PEEK blend rotor seal.
PEEK offers a high chemical resistance and versatility, and will tolerate the entire pH range from 0 to 14. ETFE blend rotor seals are appropriate for use in applications where PEEK is not enerally acceptable, such as when methylene chloride or DMSO in higher concentrations is being used.
Rheodyne 3725i(-038)手动进样阀 3725-018 转子密封圈
Part No. | For Valve Model No. | Description |
7000-016 | 7000L, 7040L | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7010-039 | 7010, 7000, 7040 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7030-003 | 7030, 9030 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7030-014 | 7030L | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7060-070 | 7060, 7066 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7060-064 | 7060L | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7125-047 | 7125,7725,9725 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7410-038 | 7410 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7413-013 | 7413 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
8125-038 | 8125 | Vespel Rotor Seal |
7000-017 | 7000L,7040L | ETFE Rotor Seal |
7010-071 | 7010, 7010-087, 7000, 7040 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
7030-015 | 7030, 9030 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
7060-074 | 7060, 7066, 9060 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
7060-067 | 7060L | ETFE Rotor Seal |
7125-079 | 7125, 7125-081, 7725 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
7410-075 | 7410 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
8125-097 | 8125 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
9010-051 | 9010 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
9125-082 | 9125,9725 | ETFE Rotor Seal |
3030-005 | 3030,3030-038 | PEEK Rotor Seal |
3710-008 | 3000, 3000-038, 3710, 3710-038 | PEEK Rotor Seal |
3725-018 | 3725, 3725-038 | PEEK Rotor Seal |
9010-065 | 7000, 7010, 9010 | PEEK Rotor Seal |
8125-119 | 8125 | PEEK Rotor Seal |
9125-095 | 7125, 7725, 9125, 9725 | PEEK Rotor Seal |
Rheodyne 3725i(-038)手动进样阀 3725-018 转子密封圈
3725i手动进样阀配件 3725-018转子密封圈