NXR FT-Raman Module
赛默飞世尔科技(纽约证交所代码: TMO)是科学服务领域的世界*。我们的使命是帮助客户使世界更健康、更清洁、更安全。公司年销售额130亿美元,员工约39000人。主要客户类型包括:医药和生物技术公司、医院和临床诊断实验室、大学、科研院所和政府机构,以及环境与过程控制行业。借助于Thermo Scientific、Fisher Scientific和Unity™ Lab Services三个首要品牌,我们将创新技术、便捷采购方案和实验室运营管理的整体解决方案相结合,为客户、股东和员工创造价值。我们的产品和服务帮助客户解决在分析领域所遇到的复杂问题与挑战,促进医疗诊断发展、提高实验室生产力。欲了解更多信息,请浏览公司网站:www.thermofisher.com。
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nxr ft-raman module | ||
this ft-raman module adds the power and simplicity of near ir raman spectroscopy to the high-performance nicolet ft-ir series research spectrometer. | ||
product detail | ||
the nxr ft-raman module offers the speed and flexibility required for a modern laboratory. the new liquid nitrogen-cooled nxr genie germanium detector, combined with a tenfold increase in speed over previous technologies, permits high-speed scanning without loss of data quality. this makes sample imaging, screening applications, and kinetic analysis readily accessible with ft-raman spectroscopy. multiple detector optionsthe ft-raman module can be configured with dual detectors, combining the new te-cooled ingaas detector with the nxr genie detector for immediate data collection. for routine analysis at an economical price, the module is also available with the standard ingaas detector. high-performance hardwarethe nxr ft-raman spectrometer can be configured with the research-grade 2.0 w nd:yvo4 laser operating at 1064 nm. a 1.2 w output laser is available as a more economical option.for maximum throughput and sensitivity, the ft-raman module features maximum-performance rayleigh rejection filters and gold mirrors sthroughout. the module makes use of the dynamically aligned vectra-plustm interferometer installed in the ft-ir bench.a precision-cast baseplate and pinned, pre-aligned components enhance module performance and provide compatibility with early thermo ft-ir instruments, including the nexus and magna spectrometers. easy-to-use softwareinstrument control and data collection and analysis are mediated using thermo"s easy-to-use omnictm software. extensive range of sample configurationsthe ft-raman module"s sample compartment accommodates the new nxr microstage ft-raman microscope, which is now configured to accept 96-well plates for fully automated, high throughput sample analysis. the nxr microstage microscope allows ft-raman microanalysis with excellent spatial resolution, and offers full sample mapping capabilities. in addition, the nxr ft-raman module sample compartment accepts an extensive range of pre-aligned, pinned-in-place sampling accessories designed to accommodate typical sample formats, such as powders and liquids in vials, nmr tubes and bottles. for installing the nxr ft-raman module in a regulated or quality control environment, we offer a wide se-lection of compliance products and services to reduce implementation time and assure system performance. special orders to meet customer requirements are available upon request. |