液压类:德国BOSCH-REXROTH博士力士乐;美国VICKERS威格士;美国PARKER派克;日本YUKEN油研;日本不二越NACHI;德国HYDAC贺德克;美国DENISON丹尼逊 ;意大利ATOS;德国FIUTEC;意大利马祖奇MARZOCCHI;意大利迪普马Duplomatic;日本TAIYO太阳铁工;日本大金DAIKIN;日本TOYOOKI丰兴;瑞士万福乐Wandfluh; 德国HAWE哈威;日本TOKYO KEIKI (TOKIMEC )东京计器;瑞士BUCHER布赫;美国MOOG;丹麦丹佛斯DANFOSS;日本岛电SHIMADEN;美国SUN 海德福斯。
电子元件器类:德国IFM易福门;德国TURCK图尔克;德国P F倍加福;德国BALLUFF巴鲁夫;意大利DATALOGIC;德国EUCHNER安士能;美国ACE,日本OPTEX;倍福BECKHOFF;万可WAGO;德国PILZ皮尔兹;德国E H;日本OMRON欧姆龙;德国SIEMENS西门子;法国施耐德Schneider(Telemecanique);日本Mitsubishi三菱;日本松下SUNX神视;日本;德国SICK施克;德国LEUZE劳易测;德国菲尼克斯PHOENIX;瑞士佳乐CARLO GAVAZZI;日本TAKEX;日本azbil山武(YAMATAKE) ;美国霍尼韦尔HONEYWELL(FEMA);美国AB罗克韦尔Rockwell;日本IDEC和泉;日本富士FUJI;德国Wenglor(威格勒);海德汉Heidenhain ;贝加莱B&R;日本FANUC法那科;德国AUMA;德国MURR;美国BANNER邦纳; 法国crouzet高诺斯;德国威卡WIKA;德国BIHL Wiedemann(B W);美国本特利Bently;德国dold都德;德国PIAB;美国ACE;日本妙德CONVUM;德国mahle;德国SOMMER;德国BERNSTEIN;英国MTL;德国Schmalz;德国SCHMERSAL施迈赛;德国ZIEHL-ABEGG施乐百;瑞士TRACOPOWER;德国Di-Soric;西班牙RELECO;意大利FINDER;德国SCHRACK;美国快达Crydom;德国HENGSTLER亨士乐;德国JUMO;德国惠朋VIPA;WERMA伟马;SCHLEGEL时力高;意大利MP FILTRI;意大利杰弗GEFRAN;AUTONICS奥托尼克斯;德国SUCO;德国EMG;瑞士富巴HUBA;德国renishaw雷尼绍;日本NAGANO KEIKI长野计器;德国ebm-papst;台达DELTA;美国 GF;美国TOPWORX(GO);德国维纳尔WOHNER;美国诺信Nordson;美国heraeus;德国NOVOtechnik;德国VOLFA;德国FOXBORO;德国ECKARDT;德国KOBOLD;瑞士Contrinex科瑞;APC山特电源;EATON电源;瑞士KRAUS&NAIMER;中国台湾MOXA;德国威琅WIELAND;德国NEGELE;德国Lumberg 隆堡;美国EATON(Cutler-hammer)。
轴承(联轴器):德国KTR;日本THK;德国REXROTH力士乐;意大利ROLLON;德国R W。
consult American National Standard Institute ANSI (NFPA/JIC) T2.24.1-1991 or your local Eaton representative.
The Systemic Approach to Contamination Control For a hydraulic or oil lubricated machine,
Vickers provides a variety of options to implement Systemic Contamination ControlSM in hydraulic systems.
To achieve Target Cleanliness Levels, filters are available in a wide range of: •Port sizes
This approach has three steps: • Set a target cleanliness level.
Using the Vickers Target Cleanliness Worksheet (#578), it is easy to determine the target ISO Cleanliness Level.
This target is based on the application’s components and system dynamics.
• Select filters and filter elements to achieve the target.
the development of a Target Cleanliness Level and the plan to achieve it is as much a part of system design as the selection of the pump,
valves, actuators or bearings. Proper selection and placement of contamination control devices in a system to attain
the targeted cleanliness eliminates (the root cause) up to 80% of hydraulic system failures.
Additionally, the system cleanliness approach assures the user of the hydraulic system
a cost effective approach to contamination control that allows
the price of the filters and elements to be quickly recovered by the savings of improved performance,
• Vickers Return in Investment: ProActive Maintenance #707 • The Systemic Approach to Contamination Control #561
increased component life, increased oil life, increased uptime and fewer repairs.To stress
the interacting relationship between component design, system design, filter performance and filter replacement,
Eaton has named our approach to filters and filtration ‘‘The Systemic Approach to Contamination Control.’’
• Vickers Target Cleanliness Worksheet #578 • Vickers Target-Pro Particle Counter #709
• Vickers Water Contamination Solutions #5026/EN/0196/A • ANSI Systems Standards for Stationary Industrial Machinery #675
The Systemic Approach to Contamination Control (#561) offers options to consider when selecting our high efficiency filters,
such as the options available for location and sizing of filters in the system to achieve a specified target cleanliness level.
• Monitor the system to ensure the target is maintained. The Vickers Fluid Analysis Laboratory
and the Target-Pro Portable Particle Counter report the fluid cleanliness in the three digit ISO Code
Cleanliness level format, corresponding to the 2, 5 and 15 micron particle counts.
From this information, it is possible to determine whether the system has the clean fluid it needs for long,
dependable operation. Supporting Literature • Vickers Reservoir Vent Filters #5027/EN/0196/P
• Vickers CleanCart Portable Filtering Transfer Cart #601 • Vickers Fluid Analysis Service #588
• Vickers Guide to Alternative Fluids #579 • Vickers Recommended Sampling Chart #603
High Performance Control Vickers high performance filters are designed for low and high pressure applications.
With flows rated to 1100 L/min (300 gpm) and pressures rated to 420 bar (6000 PSI),
• Bypass valves • ∆P indicators • Media grades Each grade of Vickers high efficiency filters is thoroughly multipass tested (ISO 4572,
ß ≥200) and rated to achieve cleanliness levels in accordance with ISO 4406。
For assistance in selecting a Target Cleanliness Level,