PCHP Dwyer PCHP型校验压力手泵
代理商正捷工程科技是世界仪器仪表生产厂家—美国Dwyer仪表中国地区的一级代理经销商,我们是德国WIKA,美国UE,美国CCS压力差压温度流量液位开关产品一级代理商.公司提供近有关差压表,差压变送器,差压开关,压力表,压力变送器,压力开关,流量计,流量传感器,流量开关,超声波流量计,风速计,风速变送器,温度、湿度、物位(液位)和阀门等产品, 它们广泛应用于工业自动化、暖通空调、楼宇自控、电厂、石油、化工、水处理,锅炉、压缩机、冷冻制冷设备、食品、医药、轻工业、环保、洁净工程等领域。同时我们拥有一支专业的技术队伍,能为客户提供较好的自动化测控解决方案.公司自成立以来在多个行业取得了比较好的业绩,赢得了供货商与使用客户的认可,参与了多个新建、扩建、改造项目,拥有国内外多个仪表的代理资格。
Dwyer PCHP型校验压力手泵
The Series PCHP Pneumatic Hand Pump comfortably sources pressure and vacuum to check calibration of gages, switches, transmitters, and recorders. The contoured cushion handles provide extra comfort while preventing the pump from sliding. The oversized check valve provides smooth operation throughout the output range. The dual o-rings on all pistons ensure zero leakage.
PCHP-1Pneumatic hand pump, range 600 psi.
PCHP-1KPneumatic hand pump, range 600 psi, with hose kit.
PCHP-HKHigh pressure hose for PCHP-1 hand pump.
Media:Dwyer PCHP型校验压力手泵
Air and compatible gases only.
Output Ranges:
0-28" Hg to 600 psi (-0.945 to 40 bar).
Process Connection:
1/4" NPT/BSP.
Gage Connection:
1/8" NPT/BSP.
Stainless steel fittings, anodized aluminum housing, plastic/rubber handles, and nitrile o-rings.
2 lb (0.91 kg).