

Biovendor 代理销售

供货周期:现货 应用领域:医疗卫生,食品,化工,生物产业,制药




Stressmarq 代理销售 SMC-401


FormuMax 代理销售 F90101TH-10


Orion™ 电导率标准液和溶液 011008


Biocolor F2000 弹性蛋白检测试剂盒


徕卡 包埋剂 Leica FSC22 现货






Feto SDS-PAGE蛋白快速染液(免脱色)




Biovendor 代理销售

Biovendor 试剂盒销售销售

Biovendor 试剂盒销售销售


BioVendor's R&D 的研发定位于热门研究领域如肥胖症、代谢综合症、糖尿病、心血管疾病、肾脏疾病/肾损伤、骨质疏松症、感染/炎症、肿瘤标志物等。很多产品*特色,有些甚至是世界上商业化的。

 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid等各*保持合作。



Biovendor-Laboratorni通过 EN ISO 13485:2000, ISO 9001:2000 以及 ISO 14001认证,确保了所有产品的研发与生产过程均符合质量控制标准以及环境管理标准的要求。

产品覆盖以下研究领域, 主要提供ELISA试剂盒,重组蛋白及相关抗体


(Apoptosis) 糖尿病-胰岛素、C-肽、胰岛素原

(Diabetology - Insulin, C-Peptide, Proinsulin) 肌生长调控

(Muscle Growth Control)


(Autoimmunity) 糖尿病-其他相关产品

(Diabetology - Other Relevant Products) 神经组织标志物

(Neural Tissue Markers)


(Blood Pressure Regulation And NO Metabolism) 能量代谢和体重调节

(Energy Metabolism And Body Weight

Regulation) 肿瘤学



(Bone And Cartilage Metabolism) 生长激素和生长因子相关

(Growth Hormone And Factor-related Products) 氧化应激

(Oxidative Stress)


(Cardiovascular Disease) 免疫应答、感染和炎症反应

(Immune Response, Infection And Inflammation) 胰调控分子

(Pancreatic Regulatory



(Cell Adhesion Proteins) 免疫学

(Immunology) 肾脏疾病

(Renal Disease)


(Cytokines And Chemokines And Related

Molecules) 铁代谢

(Iron Metabolism)                                                            生殖



(Diabetology – Autoimmunity) 脂蛋白代谢

(Lipoprotein Metabolism) 细胞表面蛋白

(Cell Surface Proteins (sCD) )


(Secreted Phospholipases A2 show all) 血清学

(Serology) 类固醇激素

(Steroid Hormones)


(Transplantation) 动物相关研究

(Animal Studies) 其他研究领域



产品编号 产品名称 规格 检测限 标曲范围

RD191009100 Human Cystatin C ELISA 96 well 0.25 ng/ml 200–10 000 ng/ml

RD191001100 Human Leptin ELISA, Clinical Range 96 well 0.2 ng/ml 1–50 ng/ml

RD194034200R Human Clusterin ELISA 96 well 0.5 ng/ml 5–160 ng/ml

RD194059100 Human Surfactant Protein D ELISA 96 well 0.01 ng/ml 1.56–100 ng/ml

RD191108200R Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 ELISA 96 well 7 pg/ml 30–1920 pg/ml

RD195023100 Human Adiponectin ELISA 96 well 26 ng/ml 0.1–10 µg/ml

RD191037100 Human Fetuin-A ELISA 96 well 0.104 ng/ml 2–100 ng/ml

RD191022200 Human Clara Cell Protein ELISA 96 well 46 pg/ml 1.57–50 ng/ml

RD193004200R Human sRANKL ELISA, total 96 well 0.4 pmol/l 0.5–32 pmol/l

RD194003200 Human Osteoprotegerin ELISA 96 well 0.03 pmol/l 1.5–60 pmol/l

Biovendor RBCS4000 Sircol™ Soluble plus Sircol™ Insoluble Collagen Combination Pack 2x 110 assays ¥14,700.00

Biovendor RBCS1111 Sircol™ Soluble Collagen Assay, Rat Collagen (Standard Kit Size) 110 assays (1 kit) ¥8,500.00

Biovendor RBCS1000 Sircol™ Soluble Collagen Assay, Bovine Collagen (Standard Kit Size) 110 assays (1 kit) ¥8,200.00

Biovendor RBCS5000 Sircol™ Soluble Collagen Assay (Large Economy Kit) 450 assays (1 kit) ¥23,700.00

Biovendor RBCS1011 Sircol™ Rat Collagen Reference Standard (0.5 mg/ml) 3x 5 ml ¥4,300.00

Biovendor RBCSICR Sircol™ Isolation & Concentration Reagent 3x 20 ml ¥2,700.00

Biovendor RBCS2000 Sircol™ Insoluble Collagen Assay, Bovine Collagen (Standard Kit Size) 100 assays (1 kit) ¥7,700.00

Biovendor RBCS6000 Sircol™ Insoluble Collagen Assay (Large Economy Kit) 400 assays (1 kit) ¥21,900.00

Biovendor RBCS1007 Sircol™ Dye Release Reagent 3x 150 ml ¥3,800.00

Biovendor RBCS1005 Sircol™ Dye Reagent 3x 110 ml ¥9,400.00

Biovendor RBCS1500 Sircol™ Dye & Dye Release Reagents 2x 110 ml, 2x 150 ml ¥9,700.00

Biovendor RBCSWASH Sircol™ Acid-Salt Wash 3x 20 ml ¥2,700.00

Biovendor RBCS1010 Sircol™ Bovine Collagen Reference Standard (0.5 mg/ml) 3x 5 ml ¥4,000.00

Biovendor RBCSFRAG S2000 Fragmentation Reagent 3x 110 ml ¥2,700.00

Biovendor RBCS2010 S2000 Denatured Collagen Standard (1 mg/ml) 3x 5 ml ¥3,300.00

Biovendor RBCH1000 Purple-Jelley Hyaluronan Assay (Standard Kit) 100 assays (1 kit) ¥8,000.00

Biovendor RBCH2000 Purple-Jelley Hyaluronan Assay (Economy Kit) 400 assays (1 kit) ¥22,800.00

Biovendor RBCK5000 Keratin Orange (Economy Kit) 440 assays (1 kit) ¥23,700.00

Biovendor RBCK1000 Keratin Orange (Standard Kit) 110 assays (1 kit) ¥8,200.00

Biovendor RAPO501050 Antibody Diluent W ready-to-use 50 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO471500 Section Block ready-to-use 500 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO471125 Section Block ready-to-use 125 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO471050 Section Block ready-to-use 50 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO473500 Peroxidase Conjugate Diluent ready-to-use 500 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO473125 Peroxidase Conjugate Diluent ready-to-use 125 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO473050 Peroxidase Conjugate Diluent ready-to-use 50 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO472500 Antibody Diluent ready-to-use 500 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO472050 Antibody Diluent ready-to-use 50 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO472125 Antibody Diluent ready-to-use 125 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO475500 Antibody Diluent For Frozen Sections ready-to-use 500 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO475125 Antibody Diluent For Frozen Sections ready-to-use 125 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAPO475050 Antibody Diluent For Frozen Sections ready-to-use 50 ml ¥0.00

Biovendor RAP0530-500 R-Universal Epitope recovery buffer 500 ml, 10x ¥0.00

Biovendor RAP0530-125 R-Universal Epitope recovery buffer 125 ml, 10x ¥0.00

Biovendor RAP0521-030 Retriever Tissue Slides >30 x Box 72 ¥0.00

Biovendor RAP0521-020 Retriever Tissue Slides 20 x Box 72 ¥0.00

Biovendor RAP0521-001 Retriever Tissue Slides Box 72 ¥0.00

Biovendor RR21006 Cord Set UL (US mainly) 1 each ¥0.00

Biovendor RD181160100 Trefoil Factor 3 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181159100 Trefoil Factor 2 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184159100 Trefoil Factor 2 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184158100 Trefoil Factor 1 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181158100 Trefoil Factor 1 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182025110-01 TRAP 5    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184106100 Thyrostimulin beta subunit 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181106100 Thyrostimulin beta subunit 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181095100 Stanniocalcin-1 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182011110-01 sTfR    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184096100 Stanniocalcin 2 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181077100 sRANK    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181096100 Stanniocalcin 2 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184116100 sRAGE 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181066100 sPLA2-XII 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181064100 sPLA2-IIE 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181065100 sPLA2-X 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181067100 sPLA2-IID 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181054100 sPLA2-IB 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD381016100 Resistin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181016220 Resistin    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181257100 Regucalcin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184257100 Regucalcin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181078100 Regenerating protein 1 alpha 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181304100 Prolactin-Inducible Protein 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184304100 Prolactin-Inducible Protein 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184239100 Prohibitin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD1820741004B9 Procathepsin K 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181239100 Prohibitin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181074100 Procathepsin K 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD484488100 Procalcitonin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184254100 Placental Protein 13 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD481488100 Procalcitonin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181254100 Placental Protein 13 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181114100 PEDF 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184114100 PEDF 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184279100 Paraoxonase 1 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD182003110-13 Osteoprotegerin    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182002110-02 Leptin Receptor    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184183100 Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD381001220 Leptin    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182002110-01 Leptin Receptor    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181001220 Leptin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD281001220 Leptin    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184203100 Interleukin-33 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181203100 Interleukin-33 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD1820391002E9 Herstatin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD1820391007H3 Herstatin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182039100C7 Herstatin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181061100 HPG-1 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD1820391002D4 Herstatin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181039050 Herstatin 0.05 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184230100 GRP-78 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD981038100 Hepatitis B Protein X 0.05 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181327100 Granulysin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184327100 Granulysin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184168100 Follistatin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184260100 Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein 1 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181260100 Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein 1 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184009100 Cystatin C (E.coli)    0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181009100 Cystatin C (E.coli)    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181009220 Cystatin C    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181009220-01 Cystatin C    0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184009220 Cystatin C    0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD284009100 Cystatin C 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD384009100 Cystatin C 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD281009100 Cystatin C 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD484009100 Cystatin C 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD481009100 Cystatin C 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181175100 CXCL12 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184175100 CXCL12 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184151100 Corticotropin-Releasing Factor-Binding Protein 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184320100 Cornifin-B 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD182080100F1-01 COMP 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182080100C1-01 COMP 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD182080100F1 COMP 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD181371100 Annexin A1 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184371100 Annexin A1 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181056100 Angiostatin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184073100-02 Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 (HEK293 antigen) 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181073100-01 Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184073100-01 Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184092100 Angiopoietin-like Protein 3 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181092100 Angiopoietin-like Protein 3 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184204100 Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181030050 Agouti-Related Protein    0.05 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184161100 Adipophilin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181161100 Adipophilin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD584023100 Adiponectin (HEK293 antigen) 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD184023100-01 Adiponectin (HEK) 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD581023100 Adiponectin (HEK293 antigen) 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD281023100 Adiponectin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD184023100 Adiponectin 0.1 mg ¥2,760.00

Biovendor RD181023100 Adiponectin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00

Biovendor RD1820231007C11 Adiponectin 0.1 mg ¥3,000.00





供货周期 现货
应用领域 医疗卫生,食品,化工,生物产业,制药
详询客服 : 0571-87858618


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