Dionex SRD-10抑制再生剂检测器 074395
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保护您的抑制器和使用外部水或化学再生模式下,尽一切运行计数。 Thermo Scientific戴安SRD-10抑制再生剂检测器,如果抑制再生流动停止或减缓,防止对抑制或浪费的离子色谱法(IC)运行损坏自动禁用洗脱液泵。
Dionex SRD-10抑制再生剂检测器 074395
SRD-10 Suppressor Regenerant Detector | 074395 |
The SRD-10 Suppressor Regenerant Detector is a stand-alone device that monitors liquid flow to a suppressor. If the flow is restricted or stops, the SRD-10 automatically disables the eluent pump via a TTL command, thus preventing irreversible damage being done to the suppressor.
The SRD-10 is intended for use with these applications:
An SRS® 300 Self-Regenerating Suppressor that is operated in the external water mode
An MMS™ 300 MicroMembrane™ Suppressor that is operated in the chemical regenerant mode
In the external water mode of operation, an external water supply is pumped into the SRS regenerant channels. A constant current is applied across the electrodes in the SRS to electrolytically regenerate the device. It is possible for the IC (ion chromatography) system to continue to operate and for current to be applied to the SRS even after external water flow has stopped or the water supply is depleted. Unless the current is turned off, this will quickly cause irreversible damage to the SRS.
In the chemical regenerant mode of operation, running out of regenerant will not damage the MMS, but it will adversely affect the chromatographic run.
In either of these scenarios, the SRD-10 will shut off the eluent pump, stopping the run. In the case of the SRS, the eluent pump shut off will switch off the suppressor.