942339395161 美国赛默飞热电石墨锥耗材现货
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Thermo Scientific
Graphite Contacts Cones for GFS33 or GFS35 Furnaces
Spectroscopy Elemental Isotope Analysis
Designed for maximum ease of use, the high-performance combined Thermo Scientific Graphite Furnace and Autosampler modules (GFS33 and GFS35) for furnace Atomic Absorption analysis use a simple lever system to open and close the furnace head, for easy replacement of Thermo Scientific Graphite Contact Cones for Thermo Scientific GFS33 or GFS35 furnaces.
货号 单位规格 物品描述
942339395161 Each Pair of Graphite Contact Cones For GF95 Z Furnace (Origin: Germany)
942339395011 Each Graphite Contact Cones for Standard Furnace
Designed for maximum ease of use, the high-performance combined Thermo Scientific Graphite Furnace and Autosampler modules (GFS33 and GFS35) for furnace Atomic Absorption analysis use a simple lever system to open and close the furnace head, for easy replacement of Thermo Scientific Graphite Contact Cones for Thermo Scientific GFS33 or GFS35 furnaces.