1.50839.0001 Lichrospher 60 RP-selectB C18默克代理
精瑞科学的专业及诚信赢得了ThermoFisher、Supelco、Merck、Sigma、BIA Separations等授权的一级代理。
Lichrospher 60 RP-selectB C18默克代理
Lichrospher 60 RP-selectB C18默克代理
【上海精瑞科学仪器有限公司 thermofisher merck supelco一级代理商 正规授权 售后无忧】一家专业提供HPLC色谱柱、GC色谱柱、SPE前处理小柱和其他实验室常用耗材、配件的公司,同时提供各种进口标准品和各类分析仪器
159 0176 2218 齐女士(vx同号)
32953 36 257
LiChrospher® 60 RP-select B (5 µm) LiChroCART® 250-4
LiChrospher® RP-select B is a versatile traditionally produced spherical silica gel carriers with reversed phase properties and with the hydrophobicity of a C-8 phase. This carrier is very well suited for the separation of basic compounds, but with still good properties for the determination of neutral and acidic compounds. This sorbent is packed into a LiChroCART® 250-4 HPLC cartridge. The connection to the HPLC system is being accomplished by use of the manu-CART® NT cartrige holder (1.51486).