产品名称:COT Human DNA from human placenta DNA, enriched for repetitive sequences
产品规格:500 µg
Use COT Human DNA to suppress cross-hybridization to human repetitive DNA in:
In situ suppression (CISS) hybridizations
Hybridization to microarrays
Other In situ hybridizations
Filter hybridizations
Source: COT Human DNA is prepared from human placental DNA by shearing, denaturing, and reannealing under conditions that enrich these repetitive elements.
Composition: The COT fraction of human genomic DNA consists largely of rapidly annealing repetitive elements. These interspersed repetitive sequences (IRS), such as SINEs (small interspersed repetitive elements, e.g., Alu elements) and LINEs (large interspersed repetitive elements, e.g., L1 elements), are distributed ubiquitously throughout the genome.
Repetitive elements (IRS) present in a probe (e.g., cosmids, YACs, chromosome painting probes) generate nonspecific hybridization signals that are distributed over the whole chromosome or genome. To enable specific hybridization of the probe to the chromosomal target site (e.g., single-copy sequences or low-copy repeats) the probe must be denatured in the presence of excess unlabeled COT Human DNA. This DNA serves as a competitor. In a subsequent preannealing step, the repetitive probe elements rapidly hybridize to excess repeats in the COT Human DNA, while most of the specific probe sequences remain single-stranded and thus can be hybridized to their chromosomal targets. This technique is known as chromosomal in situ suppression (CISS) hybridization
Solution in 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4