IonPacCS10阳离子交换色谱柱 IonPacCS10阳离子交换色谱柱
代理商上海普誉公司是一家以经营实验室仪器,色谱配件和消耗品为主的专营公司。主要经营安捷伦,WATERS,PE,热电及岛津等公司的仪器及耗材;Fortis,YMC,COSMOSIL,TSK,KROMASIL等品牌液相柱;德国Dr,美国Nu-Chek,roche,accustandard, CIL, TRC,Sigma-aldrich,日本WAKO,TCI等公司标准品及试剂,USP,EP等对照品。
IonPac CS10 阳离子交换色谱柱
The IonPac CS10 是一款中等容量,磺酸基阳离子交换色谱柱。用于等度分离锂离子,钠离子,铵根离子,钾离子,镁离子和钙离子,盐酸或二氨基丙酸洗脱。该柱也能分析生物胺。
Sulfonate-functionalized cation-exchange column for isocratic separations using HCl and DAP.
The IonPac CS10 is a sulfonate-functionalized cation-exchange column for the isocratic separation of inorganic cations using hydrochloric acid with diaminopropionic (DAP) acid eluents.The CS12A is the recommended column for the fast analysis of inorganic cations; the CS17, for hydrophobic and polyvalent amines; and the CS18, for polar amines. The CS18 is also recommended for moderay hydrophobic and polyvalent amines.
• The CS10 can be used for analysis of the common inorganic cations and aliphatic, cyclic, and aromatic amines.
• Compatible with organic solvents.
• The CS12A provides improved performance for fast analysis of inorganic cations and ammonium.
• The CS17 column is recommended for hydrophobic and polyvalent amines.
• The CS18 column is recommended for polar amines including alkanolamines and methylamines.
• The CS18 is also recommended for moderay hydrophobic amines and polyvalent amines.
The IonPac CS10 is designed for the isocratic separation of lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium using hydrochloric acid with diaminopropionic acid eluents with suppressed conductivity detection. Sample matrices for the CS10 include environmental waters; power plant waters treated wtih ammonium, morpholine, or ethanolamine; chemical additives; chemical process solutions; scrubber solutions; plating baths; and industrial solvents.
The CS11 has selectvitity similar to the CS10 column, with improved sensitivity due to its smaller 2 mm i.d. format.
Note: Use the Cation MicroMembrane Suppressor (CMMS300) with the CS10 column. Electrolytic suppression is not
recommended with HCl and DAP eluents.
Analytical Columns
IonPac CS10 Analytical Column (4 × 250 mm)............................................. 043015
Guard Columns
IonPac CG10 Guard Column (4 × 50 mm).................................................... 043016