K60N M60N (HAWE)轴向柱塞泵具体参数
时间:2014-10-09 阅读:1048
K60N M60N (HAWE)轴向柱塞泵具体参数K60N M60N (HAWE)轴向柱塞泵具体参数径向柱塞泵可分为阀配流与轴配流两大类。阀配流径向柱塞泵存在故障率高、效率
柱塞泵低等缺点。上70、80年代发展的轴配流径向柱塞泵克服了阀配流径向柱塞泵的不足。由于径向泵结构上的特点,固定了轴配流径向柱塞泵比轴向柱塞泵耐冲击、寿命长、控制精度高。变量行程短泵的变量是在变量柱塞和限位柱塞作用下,改变定子的偏心距实现的,而定于的zui大偏心距为 5—9mm(根据排量大小不同),变量行程很短。且变量机构设计为高压操纵,由控制阀进行控制。故该泵的响应速度快。径向结构设计克服了如轴向柱塞泵滑靴偏磨的问题。使其抗冲击能力大幅度提高。的产品类型 规格 几何行程流量 (cm³/rev) 峰值压力 (bar) 系统压力 (bar) 文件
012 12.6 400 400 D7960K-en.pdf
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084, 984 83.5 400 400 D7960K-en.pdf
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(4)缸体孔无铜套的缸体材料大都是球墨铸铁的,在缸体内壁上制备非晶态薄膜或涂层。因为缸体孔内壁有了这种特殊物质,所以才能组成硬—硬配对的磨擦副。The fixed displacement axial piston pump type K 60N (bent axis design) is especially suited for demanding, high-duty service. The pump covers the whole displacement range up to 108 cm3/rev. The pump has been developed with modern styling and design to satisfy market demand as to high flow performance, high pressures with high effciency and very small dimensions. The pump is available both to DIN and SAE standards and can be mounted either directly at the gear box or via a drive shaft. If necessary it can also be augmented with a by-pass va K60N M60N (HAWE)轴向柱塞泵具体参数