



时间:2019-12-06      阅读:759


    西美杰代理的Jena Biosource品牌中有一系列蛋白结晶研究所要用的试剂和耗材,以下给大家介绍一下Jena里面的蛋白结晶条件筛选试剂盒。

1、JBScreen Basic

JBScreen Basic是基于稀疏矩阵法的蛋白结晶试剂盒,包含了96种筛选条件,整套试剂盒分为4个小规格,每个小规格包含24种条件,24个条件分别密封在螺旋盖试管中,每管10ml,可以随时使用。Jena里面的蛋白结晶筛选试剂盒不包含二甲shenjia






JBScreen Basic 1


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Basic 2


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Basic 3


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Basic 4


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Basic 1 – 4


4 Kits

JBScreen Basic HTS


96 solutions (1.7 ml each)


2、 JBScreen Classic






JBScreen Classic 1 (PEG 400 to 3000 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 2 (PEG 4000 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 3 (PEG 4000+ based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 4 (PEG 5000 MME to 8000 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 5 (PEG 8000 to 20000 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 6 (Ammonium Sulfate based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 7 (MPD based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 8 (MPD/Alcohol based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 9 (Alcohol/Salt based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Classic 10 (Salt based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)


JBScreen Classic 1–10


10 Kits

JBScreen Classic HTS I (PEG based)


96 solutions (1.7 ml each)

JBScreen Classic HTS II (Ammonium Sulfate, MPD, Alcohol and Salt based)


96 solutions (1.7 ml each)



         3、JBScreen pentaerythritol






JBScreen Pentaerythritol 1 (PEP 426 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Pentaerythritol 2 (PEP 629 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Pentaerythritol 3 (PEE 270 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Pentaerythritol 4 (PEE 797 based)


24 solutions (10 ml each)

JBScreen Pentaerythritol 1 – 4


4 Kits

JBScreen Pentaerythritol HTS


96 solutions (1.7 ml each)



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