



时间:2010-10-12      阅读:1784

Honeywell多参量变送器,霍尼韦尔多参量变送器,美国霍尼韦尔Honeywell多参量变送器,SMV3000系列多参量变送器,SMV多参量变送器上海代理Honeywell USA




  With roots tracing back to 1885, Honeywell employs more than 100,000 people in 95 countries. Under the leadership of Chairman and CEO Dave Cote, we focus on our Five Initiatives: Growth, Productivity, Cash, People and the Enablers, DigitalWorks, and Six Sigma.


  Honeywell In China


  The company has a long history in China that goes back almost 80 years to 1935. When China opened the door to its economy in 1983, the company was among the first to act up a representative office in Beijing.


  Honeywell (China) Co., Ltd Honeywell (China) Co., Ltd is a wholly-owned investment holding company. It serves as a powerful investment vehicle for its parent company’s worldwide business units. The company also provides centralized shared services of HR, legal, finance end ARE&S for its parent investor, affiliates and various invested enterprises in China.


  Honeywell Communities


  As part of its commitment to good corporate citizenship, Honeywell believes in giving back to the community in which it operates. Towards this end, the company has set up programs to support education in China mainly through university scholarships and grants to build schools in remote areas.


  Integrity and Compliance Program


  Honeywell's Integrity and Compliance program reflects our vision and values. It helps our employees, representatives, contractors, consultants and suppliers worldwide comply with a high standard of business conduct. Honeywell employees are proud of their company's strong reputation for ethical conduct; this program helps protect that reputation.


  At the core of the Integrity and Compliance program is Honeywell's CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT. All agents, consultants, contractors, representatives, suppliers, and employees of Honeywell are ultimay responsible for conducting themselves in an ethical manner in compliance with applicable laws. Our Code provides guidelines to ensure that we are successful in this endeavor.


  Under the leadership of the Integrity and Compliance Council, we pursue a dynamic corporate-wide enforcement effort that engages usiness Conduct Leaders in each business unit and each region of the world.

Honeywell多参量变送器,霍尼韦尔多参量变送器,美国霍尼韦尔Honeywell多参量变送器,SMV3000系列多参量变送器,SMV多参量变送器上海代理霍尼韦尔公司(以下简称“霍尼韦尔”)是一家在技术和制造业方面占世界地位的多元化跨国公司,在,其业务涉及航空产品及服务;住宅及楼宇控制和工业控制技术;自动化产品;安防产品;特种化学、纤维、塑料、电子和*材料、以及交通和动力系统及产品等领域。霍尼韦尔公司总部在美国新泽西州,共有120,000名员工,4个化业务集团遍布在近100个国家。霍尼韦尔是财富500强企业之一,2006年的销售收入超过330亿美元。在纽约、伦敦和芝加哥太平洋证券市场的交易代码为HON;是30家道琼斯工业指数构成公司之一,也是“标准普尔500指数” 的组成部分。霍尼韦尔被评为“5家连续三年*效益公司之一”(< Money >杂志 2003年12月公布);在2004《财富》杂志 “zui受推崇的公司”排名中名列第三,并在其它专业评比中屡获殊荣。霍尼韦尔在中国的投资机构是霍尼韦尔(中国)投资有限公司,于1996年经中华人民共和国外经贸部批准在上海设立,代表霍尼韦尔业务部门向中国进行广泛领域的投资。截至目前,霍尼韦尔在中国已进行了超过5亿美元的投资;营业额超过5亿美元;建立了21家涉及航空﹑自动化控制系统﹑特种材料以及交通和动力系统方面的生产,维修服务以及贸易性的独资和合资公司;在12个城市开展业务;超过4,000员工。霍尼韦尔是6000多个民用、商用和地区运输客户的供应商。作为航空航天技术的者,我们为乘客提供更安全舒适的飞行,帮助飞机制造商、航空公司、营运者和承包商提率和生产力。




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