



时间:2019-11-20      阅读:860


Permeability of ergot alkaloids across the blood–brain barrier in vitro and influence on the barrier integrity
D. Mulac, S. Hüwel, H.J. Galla, H.U. Humpf
in press: Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 55 (2011)DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201100431

Mechanism of Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin Interaction with Claudin-3/-4 Protein Suggests Structural Modifications of the Toxin to Target Specific Claudins
A. Veshnyakova, J. Piontek, J. Protze, N. Waziri, I. Heise, G. Krause
J. Biol. Chem. 287, 1698 (2012).

Identification of specific miRNAs targeting proteins of the apical junctional complex that simulate the probiotic effect of E. coli Nissle 1917 on T84 epithelial cells
K. Veltman, S. Hummel, C. Cichon, U. Sonnenborn, M.A. Schmidt
Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 44, 341 (2012).

Preparation and properties of nanoscale containers for biomedical application in drug delivery: preliminary studies with kynurenic acid
V. Hornok, T. Bujdosó, J. Toldi, K. Nagy, I. Demeter, C. Fazakas, I. Krizbai, L. Vécsei, I. Dékány
J. Neural. Transm. 119, 115 (2012).

Effect of the non-ionic surfactant Poloxamer 188 on passive permeability of poorly soluble drugs across Caco-2 cell monolayers
S.M. Fischer, M. Brandl, G. Fricker
J. Pharm. Biopharm. 79, 416 (2011).

HI 6 human serum albumin nanoparticles - Development and transport over an in vitro blood-brain barrier model
M. Dadparvara, S. Wagner, S. Wien, J. Kufleitner, F. Worek, H. von Briesen, J. Kreutera
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Cortactin deficiency is associated with reduced neutrophil recruitment but increased vascular permeability in vivo
M. Schnoor, F.P.L. Lai, A. Zarbock, R. Kläver, C. Polaschegg, D. Schulte, H.A. Weich, J.M. Oelkers, K. Rottner, D. Vestweber
J. Exp. Med. 208, 1721 (2011).

Transmigration of Melanoma Cells through the Blood-Brain Barrier: Role of Endothelial Tight Junctions and Melanoma-Released Serine Proteases
C. Fazakas, I. Wilhelm, P. Nagyöszi, A.E. Farkas, J. Hasko, J. Molnar, H. Bauer, H.C. Bauer, F. Ayaydin, N.T.K. Dung, L. Siklos, I.A. Krizbai
PLoS ONE 6, e20758 (2011) .

The impact of pericytes on the blood–brain barrier integrity depends critically on the pericyte differentiation stage
G. Thanabalasundaram, J. Schneidewind, C. Pieper, H.J. Galla
Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 43, 1284 (2011) .

Transport of Arylsulfatase A across the Blood-Brain Barrier in Vitro
F. Matthes, P. Wölte, A. Böckenhoff, S. Hüwel, M. Schulz, P. Hyden, J. Fogh, V. Gieselmann, H.J. Galla, U.Matzner
J. Biol. Chem. 286, 17487 (2011).

In vitro models of the blood-brain barrier
I. Wilhelm, C. Fazakas, I. A. Krizbai
Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 71, 113 (2011).

Transport of Poly(n-butylcyano-acrylate) nanoparticles across the blood–brain barrier in vitro and their influence on barrier integrity
R. Rempe, S. Cramer, H.J. Galla
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 406, 64 (2011).

Interactions of the prion peptide (PrP 106–126) with brain capillary endothelial cells: coordinated cell killing and remodeling of intercellular junctions
I. Cooper, K.C.-K. Malina, A. Cagnotto, G. Bazzoni, M. Salmona, V.I. Teichberg
J. Neurochem. 116, 467 (2011).

Neutrophils cross the BBB primarily on transcellular pathways: An in vitro study
M. von Wedel-Parlow, S. Schrot, J. Lemmen, L. Treeratanapiboon, J. Wegener, H.J. Galla
Brain Res. 1367, 62 (2011).

Epithelial Barrier Resistance is Increased by the Divalent Cation Zinc in Cultured MDCKII Epithelial Monolayers
G. Carr, J.A. Wright, N.L. Simmons
J. Membr. Biol. 237, 115 (2010).

Metalloproteinase mediated occludin cleavage in the cerebral microcapillary endothelium under pathological conditions
M. Lischper, S. Beuck, G. Thanabalasundaram, C. Pieper, H.J. Galla
Brain Res. 1326, 114 (2010).

Nanoparticulate Transport of Oximes over an In Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model
S. Wagner, J. Kufleitner, A. Zensi, M. Dadparvar, S. Wien, J. Bungert, T. Vogel, F. Worek, J. Kreuter, H. von Briesen
PLoS ONE 5, e14213 (2010).

Functionalized gold nanoparticles: a detailed in vivo multimodal microscopic brain distribution study
F. Sousa, S. Mandal,C. Garrovo, A. Astolfo, A. Bonifacio, D. Latawiec,R.H. Menk, F. Arfelli, S. Hüwel, G. Legname, H.J. Galla, S. Krol
Nanoscale 2, 2826 (2010).

In vitro evaluation of liposomes containing bio-enhancers for the oral delivery of macromolecules
J. Parmentier, F.J. Hartmann, G. Fricker
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 76, 394 (2010).

Characterization of immortalized choroid plexus epithelial cell lines for studies of transport processes across the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier
J. Kläs, H. Wolburg, T. Terasaki, G. Fricker, V. Reichel
Cerebrospinal Fluid Res. 7, 11 (2010).

Regulation of the blood-brain barrier integrity by pericytes via matrix metalloproteinases mediated activation of vascular endothelial growth factor in vitro
G. Thanabalasundaram, C. Pieper, M. Lischper, H.J. Galla
Brain Res. 1347, 1 (2010).

Regulation of human epithelial tight junction proteins by Lactobacillus plantarum in vivo and protective effects on the epithelial barrier
J. Karczewski, F.J. Troost, I. Konings, J. Dekker, M. Kleerebezem, R.-J.M. Brummer, J.M. Wells
Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 298, G851 (2010).

In vitro-Testverfahren zur Toxikologie von Nanomaterialien
A. Kroll, D. Hahn, J. Schnekenburger
BIOspectrum 16, 48 (2010).

Regulation of major efflux transporters under inflammatory conditions at the blood brain barrier in vitro
M. von Wedel-Parlow, P. Wölte, H.J. Galla
J. Neurochem. 111, 111 (2009).

Closing the gap between the in-vivo and in-vitro blood–brain barrier tightness
K.C.-K. Malina, I. Cooper, V.I. Teichberg
Brain Res. 1284, 12 (2009).

Control of the blood-brain barrier by glucocorticoids and the cells of the neurovascular unit
S. Kröll, J. El-Gindi, G. Thanabalasundaram, P. Panpumthong, S. Schrot, C. Hartmann, H.J. Galla
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1165, 228 (2009).

MMPs contribute to TNF-alpha induced alteration of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in vitro
P. Zeni, E. Doepker, U. Schulze Topphoff, S. Huewel, T. Tenenbaum, H.J. Galla
Am. J. Physiol. 293, C855 (2007).

Junctional adhesion molecule-A participates in the formation of apico-basal polarity through different domains
D. Rehder, S. Iden, I. Nasdala, J. Wegener, M.-K. Meyer Zu Brickwedde, D. Vestweber, K. Ebnet
Exp. Cell Res. 312, 3389 (2006).

Murine brain capillary endothelial cells exhibit improved barrier properties under the influence of hydrocortisone
C. Weidenfeller, S. Schrot, A. Zozulya, H.J. Galla
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Phorbol ester induced short- and long-term permeabilization of the blood-CSF barrier in vitro
S. Angelow, P. Zeni, B. Höhn, H.J. Galla
Brain Res. 1063, 168 (2005).

Automated multi-well device to measure transepithelial electrical resistances under physiological conditions
J. Wegener, D. Abrams, W. Willenbrink, H.J. Galla, A. Janshoff
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Serum-derived factors weaken the barrier properties of cultured porcine brain capillary endothelial cells in vitro
T. Nitz, T. Eisenblätter, K. Psathaki, H.J. Galla
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Barrier function of porcine choroid plexus epithelial cells is modulated by cAMP-dependent pathways in vitro
J. Wegener, A. Hakvoort, H.J. Galla
Brain Res. 853, 115 (2000).

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