时间:2013-08-22 阅读:1205
德国宝帝气动调节阀主要性能及测试: 气动调节阀的性能指标有:基本误差、回差、死区、始终点偏差、额定行程偏差、泄漏量、密封性、耐压强度、外观、额定流量系数、固有流量特性、耐振动性能、动作寿命,计13项、前9项为出厂检验项目。由于调节阀的运输、工作弹簧范围的调整等因素,安装前往往需要对如下性能进行调整、检验: 1)基本误差将规定的输入信号平稳地按增大和减小方向输入执行机构气室(或定位器),测量各点所对应的行程值,计算出实际“信号-行程”关系与理论关系之间的各点误差。其zui大值即为基本误差。试验点应至少包括信号范围0、25%、50%、75%、100%这5个点。测量仪表基本误差限应小于被试阀基本误差限的1/4。 2)回差试验程序与上面第1)点所述相同。在同一输入信号上所测得的正反行程的zui大差值即为回差。 3)始终点偏差方法同第1)点。信号的上限(始点)处的基本误差即为始点偏差;信号的下限(终点)处的基本误差为终点偏差。 4)额定行程偏差将额定输入信号加入气动执行机构气室(或定位器),使阀杆走*程,实际行程与额定行程之差与额定行程之比即为额定行程偏差。实际行程必须大于额定行程。 5)泄漏量试验介质为10~50℃的清洁气体(空气和氮气)或液体(水或煤油);试验压力A程序为:当阀的允许压差大于350KPa时,试验压力均按 350KPa做,小于350KPa时按允许压差做;B试验程序按阀的zui大工作压差做。试验信号压力应确保阀处于关闭状态。在A试验程序时,气开阀执行机构信号压力为零;气闭阀执行机构信号压力为输入信号上限值加20KPa;两位式阀执行机构信号压力应为设计规定值。在B试验程序时,执行机构的信号压力应为设计规定值。试验介质应按规定流向加入阀内,阀出口可直接通大气或连接出口通大气的低压头损失的测量装置,当确认阀和下游各连接管道*充满介质后方可测取泄漏。产品:袁 :零二一*五三零八六零三九 零二一*五六一八二零六三 一八九一八零七九二七三 一三三零五六六二三六
The pneumatic control valve performance and testing: Pneumatic control valve performance indicators are: the basic error, backlash, dead zone, always point deviation, the deviation of rated travel, leakage, sealing, compressive strength, appearance, rated flow coefficient, the inherent flow characteristics and resistance to vibration performance, action life, namely, 13, 9 test items to the factory. Control valve of the transport, the work of the spring range of adjustments, and other factors, before the installation often requires the following capabilities to adjust, test: 1) the basic error of the provisions of the input signal is a smooth increase and decrease direction input actuator air chamber (or locator), the measurement points corresponding to the trip value to calculate the actual "signal - travel relations with the theoretical relationship between the various points of error. And its maximum is the basic error. The test points shall include at least 0,25% of signal range, 50%, 75%, 100% 5 points. Measuring instruments and the basic error limit should be less than 1/4 valves were tested basic error limit. 2) The hysteresis test procedures described in the above 1). The maximum difference measured by the pros and cons of travel on the same input signal is a hysteresis. 3) always point deviation method with 1). The upper limit of the signal (starting point) at the basic error is the starting point bias; the basic error of the minimum signal (end) at the end of deviation. 4) Rated stroke deviation rated input signal to join the pneumatic actuator chamber (or locator), so that the stem end of the route is rated travel deviation, the difference of the actual trip and rated travel and rated travel. The actual itinerary must be greater than the rated travel. 5) leakage test medium for 10 ~ 50 ° C in the clean gas (air and nitrogen) or liquid (water or kerosene); A program of the test pressure: when the valve to allow pressure greater than 350KPa, the test pressure at 350KPa do allowing the pressure to do less than 350KPa; B test procedures differential pressure valve work to do. The test signal pressure should ensure that the valve is turned off. A pilot program, the open air valve actuator signal pressure is zero; gas closing valve actuator signal pressure to the upper limit of the input signal plus 20KPa; two type valve actuator signal pressure should be the design requirements. B test program, the executive body of the signal pressure should be required for the design value. Test medium should be required to flow to join the valve, the valve outlet can direct export of the atmosphere or connected through the atmosphere of low head loss measuring device, when the measurements taken to confirm the valve and downstream of the connecting pipes compley filled with medium before leakage.