技术文献:鸭白细胞介素1β,鸭白细胞介素6 ELISA试剂盒引用文献
时间:2020-12-24 阅读:650
【文献标题】Cytokine gene expression in the livers of ducklings infected with duck hepatitis virus-1 JX strain
【作者】 C.Q.Gu,C.Q.Xie,X.Y.Hu,et.al
【作者单位】华中农业大学(Huazhong Agricultural University)
【关键词】duck hepatitis virus type 1 JX,cytokine,alanine aminotransferase,quantitative RT-PCR,liver injury
【DOI】dx.doi.org/ 10.3382/ps.2011-01743
【出版期刊】《Poultry Science》
ELISA for Cytokines IL-1β and IL-6
Levels of IL-1β and IL-6 in sera were measured using the ELISA kit (Shanghai Hengyuan Biotech Co.Ltd., Shanghai, China) according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Serum samples containing high cytokine levels were repeatedly measured after dilution to ensure that the assay results remained within the standard curve.