时间:2012-08-02 阅读:3255
德克萨斯大学*分校机械工程系材料科学与工程教授Rodney S. Ruoff领导的科研团队成功制备出一种由石墨烯衍生出的新型三维多孔碳材料。利用该材料作为电极组装成的超级电容器,其能量密度可达到铅酸电池的水平,同时还保持超级电容器固有的高功率输出和极快的充电速度,有望应用于电动汽车以及解决风能、太阳能等间歇性能源的存储问题。这一发现意义深远:它有望使超级电容器存储的电能大大增加至电池的水平,将成为电化学储能设备和其他许多的研究领域的一个里程碑。
其中,美国康塔仪器公司的Autosorb-IQ和NOVA被用于对合成的新型碳材料的孔结构、孔容和比表面积进行表征,通过研究N2@77K, Ar@87K及CO2@273K不同吸附质、不同吸附温度的实验等温线,可得到包括孔结构在内的丰富信息,与TEM、XRD等实验结果相互印证,为材料合成、应用提供关键信息。
来源: / 12 May 2011 / Page 3 / 10.1126/science.1200770
Super Carbon For Supercapacitors
Quantachrome Experts Help Develop Novel Micro-Mesoporous Carbon Material
Published on May 25, 2011 at 8:42 PM
New carbon structure has beneficial nano-scale pore structure.
Quantachrome's Director of Applied Science, Dr Matthias Thommes, and Staff Scientist, Dr Katie Cychosz, contributed their expertise in porous materials characterization to the collaborative work by the University of Texas and Brookhaven National Laboratory that led to the development of a novel micro-mesoporous carbon material, described as exfoliated graphene oxide.
Thommes and Cychosz (above, shown with some of their pore size data) are co-authors of a paper announcing the work published just this month (online) by Science magazine entitled Carbon-Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene by Yanwu Zhu, Shanthi Murali, Meryl D. Stoller, K. J. Ganesh, Weiwei Cai, Paulo J. Ferreira, Adam Pirkle, Robert M. Wallace, Katie A. Cychosz, Matthias Thommes, Dong Su, Eric A. Stach and Rodney S. Ruoff. Science, 12 May 2011 DOI: 10.1126/science.1200770
The new porous, three-dimensional carbon can, according to the group led by Professor Rodney S. Ruoff at the University of Texas at Austin's Cockrell School of Engineering, be used as a greatly enhanced supercapacitor, and thus shows promise for many energy storage uses. This new material can be described as an "elecritical charge storage sponge" based on its continuous 3-D network of pores with walls just one atom thick. The material's BET surface area was reported as up to 3100 square meters per gram (greatly increased over typical activated carbons' 1000-2000 m2/g), and pores primarily 0.6- to 5-nm wide.