


821美国Bristol Instruments脉冲激光波长计

时间:2012-12-29      阅读:216

The most reliable method to accuray measure the absolute wavelength of pulsed lasers.

Product Features
» Operates with pulsed and CW lasers, and OPOs
» Absolute wavelength measured to an accuracy of ±600 MHz
» Automatic calibration with a built-in wavelength standard
» Operation available from 350 to 1700 nm
» Measurement rate as high as 200 Hz
» Asynchronous operation with automatic pulse detection
» Straightforward operation with PC using high-speed USB interface
» Easy to integrate into experiment for automatic wavelength reporting and control

Product Overview
The 821 Series Pulsed Laser Wavelength Meter provides accurate wavelength information for researchers who need to know the exact wavelength of their CW laser, pulsed laser, or OPO. A unique Fizeau interferometer-based design measures absolute wavelength to an accuracy of ±600 MHz. A built-in wavelength standard is used for automatic calibration to ensure greater confidence in the experimental results.

The model 821 is available in two broad wavelength configurations, 350-1100 nm and 630-1700 nm, to satisfy virtually any experimental requirement. The laser under test enters the system through a free-space aperture, through which a visible tracer beam is emitted to facilitate alignment. Automatic pulse detection triggers data collection for asynchronous operation. The wavelength of every pulse can be measured for lasers operating at repetition rates of up to 200 Hz.

The 821 Series Pulsed Laser Wavelength Meter operates with a PC running under Windows 7, Vista, or XP. Wavelength is calculated and then transferred to the PC using a high-speed USB interface. Software for a simple display is provided to report data and control measurement parameters.

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