时间:2016-04-12 阅读:1696
融合全复消色差 20.5:1 变焦与复合光学技术 Leica M205 FA
Leica M205 FA 显微图像工作站, 具备物镜转换器,Leica LMT260 XY扫描台, TL5000 Ergo透射光底座, LED5000 SLI额颈照明, SmartTouch™, DFC相机及一
<media 26092 765x615 download "TEXT, index, index.html, 4.3 KB">Click here to start the Animation</media>
The revolutionary one-of-a-kind FusionOptics™ with fluorescence.
Extend your instrument with the integrated illumination system.
The electronic encoding for all elements.
Switch your filters easily by finger-tip.
Leica M205 FA
Leica M205 FA with IsoPro™ motorized stage, Motorfocus, SmartTouch™, EL6000 Illumination, DFC Camera and Monitor
All data at a glance on the Leica M205