Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus载玻片
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus Stain Slides 载玻片69033-05EMS Aluminum Punch Kit铝质打孔器
EMS Aluminum Punch Kit铝质打孔器 is designed to serve research scientists with a dissection tool for small, pre-defined regions of the tissue or the specimen. The EMS Aluminum Punch Kit The EMS Aluminum 参考价¥1115110-10Biopsy Punch with Plunger打孔器
Miltex® Biopsy Punch with Plunger打孔器15111-15Tedpella Biopunch® consists 打孔器
Tedpella Biopunch® consists 打孔器(harris Uni-core替代品)PFMMU02美国小鼠重组干扰素 IFN gamma蛋白
美国小鼠重组干扰素 IFN gamma蛋白15110-10Miltex Biopsy Punch with Plunger打孔器
Miltex® Biopsy Punch with Plunger打孔器23005无水硫酸钙
无水硫酸钙63419-12PTFE Printed Slides聚四氟乙烯载玻片
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