时间:2012-11-18 阅读:1785
报道:来自美国德州大学西南医学中心的Rama Ranganathan和他的同事研发了一种能全面分析单基因突变的高通量定量技术,这对于理解蛋白结构,以及蛋白工程应用具有重要意义。相关成果公布在Nature杂志上。 生物学的一个基本原则就是蛋白的氨基酸序列能特异性构成相应的三维结构,并行使生物化学功能,至少是在生理学方面。统计耦合分析 (Statistical coupling analysis,SCA)方法是 |
报道:来自美国德州大学西南医学中心的Rama Ranganathan和他的同事研发了一种能全面分析单基因突变的高通量定量技术,这对于理解蛋白结构,以及蛋白工程应用具有重要意义。相关成果公布在Nature杂志上。
生物学的一个基本原则就是蛋白的氨基酸序列能特异性构成相应的三维结构,并行使生物化学功能,至少是在生理学方面。统计耦合分析 (Statistical coupling analysis,SCA)方法是根据进化守恒原理分析蛋白序列信息内容的一种定量方法,其基本原理在于蛋白残基之间的表观偶联模式,通过统计分析这些残基位置在同源序列家族中的协同进化,发现氨基酸之间的功能作用。
SCA的一个主要结论就是蛋白中大部分残基几乎都是各自独立演化的,不会受到结构环境的影响,不过有大约20%的氨基酸能与协同进化的氨基酸组成物理结构连续网络,称为protein sectors(蛋白区,译)。但是蛋白也会受到来自进化过程本身动力学的影响,来容纳突变并适应蛋白区选择的改变。
例如近期研究人员还研发了一个称为DCA-fold(direct coupling analysis-fold)的方法,大大改进了目前的蛋白质预测技术。他们首先在编码蛋白质的基因组序列中寻找同时变化的位点,这种位点在序列中可能相距很远。这一步骤是基于在蛋白质进化史中的某一时刻,氨基酸相互接触并保持。
The spatial architecture of protein function and adaptation
Statistical analysis of protein evolution suggests a design for natural proteins in which sparse networks of coevolving amino acids (termed sectors) comprise the essence of three-dimensional structure and function1, 2, 3, 4, 5. However, proteins are also subject to pressures deriving from the dynamics of the evolutionary process itself|[mdash]|the ability to tolerate mutation and to be adaptive to changing selection pressures6, 7, 8, 9, 10. To understand the relationship of the sector architecture to these properties, we developed a high-throughput quantitative method for a comprehensive single-mutation study in which every position is substituted individually to every other amino acid. Using a PDZ domain (PSD95pdz3) model system, we show that sector positions are functionally sensitive to mutation, whereas non-sector positions are more tolerant to substitution. In addition, we find that adaptation to a new binding specificity initiates exclusively through variation within sector residues. A combination of just two sector mutations located near and away from the ligand-binding site suffices to switch the binding specificity of PSD95pdz3 quantitatively towards a class-switching ligand. The localization of functional constraint and adaptive variation within the sector has important implications for understanding and engineering proteins.