



时间:2019-01-18      阅读:2220

- - An International Success Story.

我们提供的快换接头提供各种阀设计的(直通,单截止,双截止及干式无泄漏),使用广泛的材料(黄铜,钢,不锈钢和热塑性塑料)。另外,我们Parker Rectus是美国药典VI级QuickConnect的快接在POM(聚甲醛)和PSU(聚砜)的唯yi供应商。

派克、利达时、天马在经历多年的技术合作后,美国Parker Hannifin公司于2007年全面收购了RECTUS及旗下子品牌TEMA,派克整合产品线和研发部门,提升公司的快换接头的研发实力,丰富其产品线。目前,产品线已经*覆盖低压、中压、高压到超高压所有压力,2012年Parker又将高压快接公司SNAP-Tite 收购,补充了超大尺寸、 超高压快换接头的产品线。产品材质从常见的碳钢、黄铜、不锈钢到特殊的热塑材质、PVC全面覆盖。 2008年派克在欧洲Nussdorf成立QCDE(派克快换接头欧洲分部),QCDE结合了各公司领xian的快换接头技术和创新的气动和液压快接,使得QCDE成为一个非常具有竞争力合作伙伴,成为工业上提供广泛的行业领域连接件的服务商。

Although the companies Parker, Rectus and Tema underwent long independent development and their paths crossed only in 2007 with the acquisition of the Rectus and Tema brands by the American Parker Hannifin Corporation, there are nonetheless many similarities and synergies, which now represent the strength in this sector. The newly created QCDE therefore combines international presence with the leading technologies and innovations in the area of pneumatic and hydraulic couplings, which makes it a valued partner to successful companies in the widest range of industries.

1950 - Walter Klein Welding Technology在Stuttgart成立

1963 - 公司迁址到Nussdorf 全面开展快换接头的产品业务

1974 - Peter Klein 加入公司

2001 - 收购NYCOIL公司,TEMA AB公司开始合作

2002 - 收购TEMA AB,Skovde

1918 - Arthur Parker 建立Parker Appliance 公司

1957 - Parker Hannifin公司正式更名

1968 - 在美国成立快换接头分部

1971 - 在Annemasse 成立分部

2002 - 正式成立CCDE

1949 - Thure Ekmann 建立TEMA Ingenjorsfirman AB.

1964 - Ronny Ekmann 加入公司

1975 - TEMA在瑞士建立分部,TEMA Marketing AG Zug, Switzerland瑞士

2000 -建立TEMA-RECTUS澳大利亚分部

2001 - Rectus 购买了TEMA AB,26%的股份

2007年Parker Hannifin 全面收购 RECTUS-TEMA 品牌


我们提供的快换接头提供各种阀设计的(直通,单截止,双截止及干式无泄漏),使用广泛的材料(黄铜,钢,不锈钢和热塑性塑料)。另外,我们Parker Rectus是美国药典VI级QuickConnect的快接在POM(聚甲醛)和PSU(聚砜)的唯yi供应商。

Parker QCDE的总部设在Nussdorf 附近的Stuttgart斯图加特,这里制造Rectus品牌的快换接头产品;瑞典的Skövde工厂和法国 Annemasse制造TEMA品牌及液压快换接头的产品;美国工厂制造NYCOIL品牌产品。

Parker's Quick Coupling Division Europe (QCDE) is one of the leading manufacturers of complete quick connect coupling systems for pneumatics, hydraulics and fluid handling. In addition to its standard ranges, QCDE also develops customer-specific solutions for special requirements.

The couplings are available with various valve designs (straight, single and double shut-off, as well as dry-break) and the broadest range of materials (brass, steel, stain- less steel and thermoplastic). Moreover, we are also the only supplier of USP class VI quick connect couplings in POM (polyacetal) and PSU (polysulphone).

The head office of the QCDE is in Nussdorf near Stuttgart, where the Rectus-brand coupling systems are also produced. The Swedish site in Skövde and the French site in Annemasse are also homes to the production of the hydraulic quick connect couplings.


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