


Maleimide Activated Plates

时间:2017-10-25      阅读:494


Maleimide Activated Plates

Pierce Maleimide Activated Plates, Clear, 8-Well Strip

货号: 15150

价格: 2549元   询*

These Thermo Scientific Pierce Maleimide Activated Clear, 8-Well Strip Plates are ideal for binding sulfhydryl-containing molecules that are difficult to coat onto polystyrene plates, such as peptides that contain a terminal cysteine. Our coated plates are an especially useful tool for assessing specific anti-hapten antibody titers during antibody production.

Features of Maleimide Activated Clear, 8-Well Strip Plates:

• Clear, for colorimetric assays

• Convenient 8-well strip format

• Pre-blocked to reduce nonspecific binding

• Easy (spontaneous) immobilization of peptides derivatized with a terminal cysteine and proteins with free sulfhydryl

• Binding Capacity: 100 to 150 pmol of a sulfhydryl-containing peptide (307 Da) per well

• Activation Level: 100 μL


下一篇: Vincristine sulfate salt 现货热卖
