美国SEL 综合保护继电器工厂直发
时间:2019-12-25 阅读:1624
我们公司已经代理SEL 七个年头了,逐渐成为了行业内的重点供应商,不仅在产品质量上渠道上把关严格,还针对这个品牌特殊打造了技术团队,给予后续充分的支持;
SEL公司成立于1982年,是北美地区(包括美国、加拿大、墨西哥等国家)电力系统保护领域中zui大的研发和制造公司。SEL公司发明了世界上*台全数字式保护继电器,从而对整个电力系统保护行业产生了颠覆性的影响。1984年,SEL的*批产品销往美国明尼苏达州的Otter Tail电力公司,至今,SEL的产品已经遍布美国各州的电力行业,和119个国家。
SEL总部设在美国华盛顿州帕尔曼市(Pullman),占地130英亩场地、10栋建筑和1400多名员工,专业设计和实施电力系统保护、检测、控制、自动化和计量等完备的解决方案。同时,SEL在墨西哥的组屏厂,为墨西哥和的用户提供保护组屏和控制解决方案。2004年,SEL并购了位于美国伊利诺斯州的E.O. Schweitzer(EOS)公司,专门制造故障指示器,电压感应器和电流变压器。
SEL-735 Revenue Meter
的电能质量和收益表sel-735比ANSI c12.20精度0.2级的要求更的三倍。*负载分布的趋势,与ITRONmv-90,IEC 61850,DNP3和Modbus协议的兼容,保证了集成,几乎任何计费系统。除了全套收入计量的特点,*电能质量监测报告昂贵的系统干扰。
SEL-751A Feeder Protection Relay
sel-751a的馈线保护继电器是工业实用的馈线保护的正确的解决方案,灵活的I / O选项,安装方便,快速设置。
提供完整的馈线保护,过流,过压,欠压,频率元素。轻松升级保护不切割或钻孔存在的缺口与一个小的形式因素和多种安装适配器。很快融入串行或基于IEC 61850通信的以太网,镜像比特,DeviceNet,和其他协议。
SEL-700G Generator Protection Relay
sel-700g继电器的实用和工业发电机保护正确的解决方案,与autosynchronizer,灵活的I / O,和*通信。申请综合主要和备份发电机保护继电器sel-700g。
SEL-710 Motor Protection Relay
sel-710电机保护继电器的特点行业zui准确的电机保护与设置,安装,和通信方案设计,便于应用。accutrack与热模型确定的zui长的安全sel-710起始时间(没有速度开关需要)之间的等待时间和减少电动机的启动33%。选择八通信协议,包括以太网,Modbus,IEC 61850,和快速集成到控制系统DeviceNet。
SEL-787 Transformer Protection Relay
sel - 501
sel - 501双普遍过电流继电器是两个成套保护;既可以配置为五个基本继电器之一。
Protective Relays
Distribution Control
Fault Indicators and Sensors
Remote I/O
Annunciation and Notification
Automation Controllers
Precise Timing
Enclosures and Panels
Rotary Switches
Accessories and Tools
3VR Three-Phase Voltage Reset
AR360 Overhead AutoRANGER Fault Indicators
AR-OH Overhead AutoRANGER
AR-URD Underground AutoRANGER
BER BEACON Electrostatic Reset
BTRIP BEACON Field-Programmable Timed Reset
Category 5e Ethernet Cable
Coaxial Cable
CRD Current Reset
CT Split-Core Current Transformers
Electrical Data Cables
ERL Electrostatic Reset
FC Fault Counters
GFD Ground Fault Detector
ICON Integrated Communications Optical Network
MB Manual Button Reset Fault Indicator
MCG Magnetic Cable Guides
MR Manual Reset
PILC Paper-Insulated Lead Cable Fault Indicator
Power Supplies Wall-Mount Power Supplies
powerCORE Substation Control Enclosures
RadioRANGER Wireless Fault Indication System
SEL Cables
SEL Compass Software and File Download Organization
SEL-1102 Computing Platform for Value-Added Resellers
SEL-2032 Communications Processor
SEL-2100 Logic Processor
SEL-2126 Fiber-Optic Transfer Switch
SEL-2240 Axion
SEL-2401 Salite-Synchronized Clock
SEL-2404 Salite-Synchronized Clock
SEL-2407 Salite-Synchronized Clock
SEL-2411 Programmable Automation Controller
SEL-2414 Transformer Monitor
SEL-2431 Voltage Regulator Control
SEL-2440 DPAC Discrete Programmable Automation Controller
SEL-2488 Salite-Synchronized Network Clock
SEL-2505 Remote I/O Module
SEL-2506 Rack-Mount Remote I/O Module
SEL-2515 Remote I/O Module
SEL-2516 Rack-Mount Remote I/O Module
SEL-2522 Alarm Panel
SEL-2523 Annunciator Panel
SEL-2533 Annunciator
SEL-2595 eprotection Terminal
SEL-2600 RTD Module
SEL-2652 Trip Coil Monitor
SEL-2664 Field Ground Module
SEL-2664S Stator Ground Protection Relay
SEL-2725 Five-Port Ethernet Switch
SEL-2726U Eight-Port Ethernet Switch
SEL-2730M Managed 24-Port Ethernet Switch
SEL-2730U Unmanaged 24-Port Ethernet Switch
SEL-2740M Managed Ethernet Switch
SEL-2740S Software-Defined Network Switch
SEL-2800 Fiber-Optic Transceivers
SEL-2810 Fiber-Optic Transceivers With IRIG-B
SEL-2812 Fiber-Optic Transceivers With IRIG-B
SEL-2814 Fiber-Optic Transceivers With Hardware Flow Control
SEL-2815 Fiber-Optic Transceiver/Modem
SEL-2820 Multimode Fiber-Optic EIA-485 Transceivers
SEL-2824 Multimode Fiber-Optic EIA-485 Transceivers
SEL-2829 Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Transceiver/Modem
SEL-2830 Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Transceiver/Modem
SEL-2831 Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Transceiver/Modem
SEL-2886 EIA-232 to EIA-485 Interface Converter
SEL-2890 Ethernet Transceiver
SEL-2894 Interface Converter
SEL-2910 Port Isolator
SEL-2924 Portable BLUETOOTH Serial Adapter
SEL-2925 BLUETOOTH Serial Adapter
SEL-300G Generator Relay
SEL-3025 Serial Shield
SEL-3031 Serial Radio Transceiver
SEL-3060 Ethernet Radio
SEL-3094 Interface Converter
SEL-311C Transmission Protection System
SEL-311L Line Current Differential Protection and Automation System
SEL-321 Phase and Ground Distance Relay
SEL-321-5 Phase and Ground Distance Relay
SEL-3332 Inligent Server
SEL-3351 System Computing Platform With Windows XP Professional
SEL-3354 Embedded Automation Computing Platform
SEL-3355 Rack-Mount Rugged Computer
SEL-3360 Compact Industrial Computer
SEL-3373 Station Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC)
SEL-3378 Synchrophasor Vector Processor
SEL-3390E4 Network Adapter Card
SEL-3390S8 Serial Adapter Card
SEL-3400 IRIG-B Distribution ModuleR
SEL-3401 Digital Clock
SEL-3405 High-Accuracy IRIG-B Fiber-Optic Transceiver
SEL-3505/3505-3 Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC)
SEL-351 Protection System
SEL-351A Protection System
SEL-351R Falcon Recloser Control
SEL-351R Recloser Control
SEL-351RS Kestrel Single-Phase Recloser Control
SEL-351S Protection System
SEL-352 Breaker Failure Relay
SEL-3530/3530-4 Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC)
SEL-3532/3533 RTAC Conversion Kits
SEL-3555 Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC)
SEL-3610 Port Server
SEL-3620 Ethernet Security Gateway
SEL-3622 Security Gateway
SEL-387 Current Differential and Overcurrent Relay
SEL-387A Current Differential and Overcurrent Relay
SEL-387E Current Differential and Voltage Relay
SEL-387L Line Current Differential Relay
SEL-4000 Relay Test System
SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System
SEL-421 Protection, Automation, and Control System
SEL-4388 Mirrored Bits Tester
SEL-451 Protection, Automation, and Bay Control System
SEL-4520 Arc-Flash Test Module
SEL-487B Bus Differential and Breaker Failure Relay
SEL-487E Transformer Protection Relay
SEL-487V Capacitor Protection and Control System
SEL-501 Dual Universal Overcurrent Relay
SEL-5030 acSELerator QuickSet Software
SEL-5032 acSELerator Architect Software
SEL-5033 acSELerator RTAC Software
SEL-5035 acSELerator Diagram Builder Software
SEL-5045 acSELerator Team Software
SEL-5073 synchroWAVe Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) Software
SEL-5078-2 synchroWAVe Central
SEL-547 Distributed Generator Interconnection Relay
SEL-551 Overcurrent/Reclosing Relay
SEL-551C Overcurrent/Reclosing Relay
SEL-5601-2015 synchroWAVe Event 2015
SEL-5630 acSELerator Meter Reports
SEL-587 Current Differential Relay
SEL-587Z High-Impedance Differential Relay
SEL-651R Advanced Recloser Control
SEL-651RA Recloser Control
SEL-700G Generator Protection Relay
SEL-701 Motor Protection Relay
SEL-710 Motor Protection Relay
SEL-710-5 Motor Protection Relay
SEL-734 Revenue Meter
SEL-734B Advanced Monitoring and Control System
SEL-734T Advanced Digital Transducer
SEL-735 Power Quality and Revenue Meter
SEL-749M Motor Relay
SEL-751 Feeder Protection Relay
SEL-751A Feeder Protection Relay
SEL-787 Transformer Protection Relay
SEL-787-3E/-3S/-4X Transformer Protection Relay
SEL-8315 Phase Comparison Faulted Circuit Indicator
SEL-849 Motor Management Relay
SEL-9192 Utility-Grade USB Modem
SEL-9220 Fiber-Optic Adapter for SEL-300 Series Relays
SEL-9321 Low-Voltage DC Power Supply
SEL-9322 15 VDC Power Supply
SEL-9331 Power Supply
SEL-9501 Contact Arc Suppressor
SEL-9502 Contact Arc Suppressor
SEL-9524 GNSS Antenna
SEL-9929 Salite-Synchronized Clock Display Kit
SEL-C662/C663 USB Serial Cables
SEL-C804 Multimode Arc-Flash Detection Fiber-Optic Cables
SEL-C805 200 µm Multimode Fiber-Optic Cable
SEL-C807 62.5/200 µm Multimode Fiber-Optic Cable
SEL-C808 62.5/125 µm Multimode Fiber-Optic Cable
SEL-C809 9 µm Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Cables
SEL-IDM IRIG-B Time-Code Demodulator
SEL-LPS Linear Power Supply
SEL-RS43/RS52/RS86 Rotary Switches
SEL-T400L Time-Domain Line Protection
SR Secondary/Low-Voltage Reset
TPR Test Point Reset
TR Timed Reset
VIN Voltage Indicators
VS Voltage Sensors
WSO Wireless Sensor for Overhead Lines