西门子 NXAirS 24kV一次配电空气绝缘开关柜
时间:2018-12-28 阅读:1373
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The model of worldwide R&D teamwork (China-Germany-Portugal).
Air-insulated switchgear with high reliability.
Global NXAirS platform of Siemens MV technology.
Global internal arc relief platform of Siemens MV technology.
3AE-SION circuit breaker integration with siemens unique embedded-pole technology.
OEM friendly and module design.
技术参数 Technical data
额定电压 Rated Voltage | kV | 24 |
额定频率 Rated frequency | Hz | 50 |
额定短时工频耐受电压(相间,对地及断口间) Rated power-frequency withstand voltage, to earth and between phases / Across isolating distance | kV | 65/79 |
额定雷电冲击耐受电压(相间,对地及断口间) Rated lightening impulse withstand voltage, to earth and between phases / Across isolating distance | kV | 125/145 |
额定短路开断电流 Rated short-circuit breaking current | kA | 25,31.5 |
额定短时耐受电流,大 Rated short time withstand current | kA/s | 31.5/4 |
额定短路关合电流,大 Rated short-circuit making current | kA | 80 |
额定母线电流 Rated busbar current | A | 1250;2000;2500;3150 |
馈线电流Rated feeder current | A | 1250;2000;2500;3150A |
内部燃弧故障等级 Internal arc fault classification | IAC | 25kA/1s;31.5kA/1s |
产品标准 Design and testing standard | GB3906-2006/IEC62271-200/DL/T404-2007 | |
典型方案 Typical Solution | 断路器柜,隔离柜,母联柜,计量柜,接触器柜,上进上出柜等 Circuit breaker panel, disconnecting panel, busbar sectionalizer panel, metering panel, contactor panel and incoming/outgoing on top |