



时间:2024-06-24      阅读:1071

The viscosity and plasticity of surimi is remarkable, which is a suitable 3D printing material. But low printing accuracy limit its wide application. Adding xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS) can enhance printing accuracy of surimi printing ink and improve the self-supporting ability and anti-deformation ability of the printed object. At the same time, XOS can impart antioxidant properties to 3D printed surimi. Additionally, adding 20 mM kg􀀀 1 of Ca2+ to the surimi can significantly improve the printing accuracy. With the addition of Ca2+, the gel strength and texture of surimi are enhanced, as well as the surimi protein became denser. Moreover, the Ca2+ in the “ink” can activate the activity of digestive enzymes which increase the contact of enzymes and surimi. The process of enzymatic hydrolysis is promoted, which improving the release rate and antioxidant properties of XOS. Functional surimi with Ca2+ can be used to deliver functional components and enhance the printing effects.

上一篇: 上海腾拔质构仪用于测定养生蔓越莓奶冻的质构特性 下一篇: 上海腾拔质构仪用于测定大西洋鲑鱼的硬度、内聚性、弹性和咀嚼性



