德国德尔格 品牌
压缩气体是药品生产中的一个主要动力源,它贯穿于发酵、结晶、干燥、过滤等流程之中。常用的压缩空气有 两种:一种为一般性润滑油压缩机系统,供仪表的气动元 件所用,不与药品直接接触;一种为无油压缩空气系统, 是与药品生产直接接触的,由于与药品生产直接接触的压 缩空气的品质直接影响了产品质量的好坏,因此日常药品 生产企业使用zui多的还是无油压缩系统。
含油:<0.1 mg/m³;含水:<-40Td (℃)对应湿度为100mg/m³
(对应ISO8573 与GB13277的压缩空气二级标准)
检测油雾zui低可达0.1mg/m3,符合国标二级,含水量为20-1500mg/m3,简单经济,可靠性高!常规型号为Aerotest Alpha,压力范围3-15bar,绝大多数药企的气源压力均在此范围内,使用方便!
Aerotest 用于检测压缩空气的质量。 根据适当的净化标准,可以定量分析压缩空气中的 污染物,例如CO、CO2、H2 O、Oil等,并可单独或同时确定这些有害物质的浓度。
Aerotest Alpha主机配置:
-1个手动减压器(3-15巴) -1个可同时安装4支检测管的流量调节器 -1个计时器 -1个开管器 -1个油盒适配器 -1个手提箱 -1份培训光盘 -1个气泡导管 -1份原厂校验报告 -2个转接头(上海京工另送国产Φ8软管快接头) -2本使用手册等 |
压缩空气通过20 个小孔引导入impactor垂直至刻花玻璃传感平台。进入impactor 后空气90º改变方向在玻璃界面上根据高度惯性分离空气中的油雾物质。玻璃中的凹进处填满了油导致玻璃磨擦的光线分散被补偿。这种原理允许视觉辨认微小质量的油雾。由于孔口的特殊安排,分离油的质量而因此如果空气的质量已知油雾的浓度可以以很高的重复性进行测量。
For the purity measurement of breathing air in the low-pressure range, the Dräger Aerotest Alpha offers top quality. Using the Dräger Aerotest Alpha, it is possible to determine the quality of the breathing air which is supplied by a compressor or a compressed gas cylinder. By means of the test system, the reliable testing of the breathing air is ensured according to the applicable classification EN 12021.
When using the Dräger Aerotest Alpha, it is possible to reliably determine different potential pollutants such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydro steam or oil in the compressed air flow. Optionally, the values can be determined simultaneously or individually.
Using the plug connection, the measuring device, which can be used independently of power supplies, can be connected to the low-pressure compressed air supply system to be monitored easily and without problems. In just five minutes, the quick check delivers a precise measurement result and shows the degree of the contamination.
The new Dräger Oil Impactor was developed especially for the testing and checking of compressed air for oil aerosols. Apart from common and conventional oils, even synthetic oils can now be measured without problems – independent of their kind or viscosity – for the first time. A wide measuring range with scaling ensures the precise reading of accurate values.