BD-PSZ130石油产品和润滑剂酸值测定仪是依据国家标准GB/T 7304-2000《石油产品和润滑剂酸值测定法》设计制造的,适用于测定能够溶解于甲苯和异丙醇混合溶剂的石油产品和润滑剂中的酸性组分。
1.测量范围:MV:0~±1999 PH:0~14.00
2.测量精度:MV:0.1%F.S PH:±0.01
Product Description: PSZ130petroleum products and lubricants - Determination of acid numberinstrument is designed and manufactured according to the national standard GB / T 7304-2000"petroleum products and lubricants - Determination of acid number - Law applicable to the determinationcan be dissolved in a mixture of toluene and isopropanolthe solvent petroleum productsand lubricants in the acidic components.
The sample was dissolved in a mixed solvent of isopropyl alcohol in toluene containing a small amountofwater, isopropanol standard solution of potassium hydroxide as the titrant potentiometric titration,thepair of electrodes used in the indicator electrode is a glass calomel reference electrode, in thehand-painted or automatically potentiometric titration dose curve drawn only significant jump point as the end point, if no significant jump in the corresponding new with non-aqueous acidic or alkalinebuffer solutionpotential value as of the end of the titration.
Technical Specifications:
(1) Measuring range: MV: 0 to ± 1999 PH: 0 to 14.00
(2) measurement accuracy: MV: 0.1% FS PH: ± 0.01
3. The control accuracy: ± 0.03PH, or ± 3mv of
Input resistance: not less than 1 × 1012 ohm
Use the meaning and purpose:
1 after new or used oil acidic component refers to additives or oil degradation products such asoxidation products during use, these substances can be measured by titration with a base, obtaining the relative content, acid number is in determination of these substances in the quantity of oil, acid number can be used to control the quality of the lubricating oil is sometimes also be used for thedetermination of thedegradation of the lubricant during use under specified conditions, but the acid number as a lubricant oilof end-of-life indicators must experience determined
2 due to the various oxidation products will affect the acid value, while organics under corrosive conditions may also vary widely, so this method can not be used to predict the corrosion of the oilduring use, e.g. the acid and oil on is no necessary link between the degree of corrosion of metals.