时间:2024-04-09 阅读:861
声级计和振动仪的区别 |
声级计是基本的噪声测量仪器,声压级测量是其基本的功能。对于很多功能单一的声级计,很多人也习惯称其为“分贝仪”或“噪音计”等。它是一种电子仪器,但又不同于电压表等客观电子仪表。 Sound level meter is a basic noise measuring instrument, and sound pressure level measurement is its basic function. For many sound level meters with single function, many people are used to calling them "decibel meter" or "noise meter". It is an electronic instrument, but it is different from objective electronic instruments such as voltmeter. 在把声信号转换成电信号时,可以模拟人耳对声波反应速度的时间特性;对高低频有不同灵敏度的频率特性以及不同响度时改变频率特性的强度特性。 When the acoustic signal is converted into electrical signal, the time characteristic of human ear's response speed to acoustic wave can be simulated; Frequency characteristics with different sensitivity to high and low frequencies and intensity characteristics changing frequency characteristics at different loudness. 便携式测振仪适用于机械设备的振动测量,特别是旋转和往复机械中的振动测量。可测量振动位移、速度和加速度三参数。 Portable vibration meter is suitable for vibration measurement of mechanical equipment, especially in rotating and reciprocating machinery. It can measure three parameters of vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration. 利用该仪器在轴承座上测量的数据,对照国际标准ISO2372,或者企业机器本身的标准就可确定设备所处的状态。 Using the data measured by the instrument on the bearing pedestal, the state of the equipment can be determined according to the international standard ISO2372 or the standard of the enterprise machine itself. 成都壹科医疗为您提供杭州爱华,声级器、噪声仪、振动仪实验室设备在四川、成都的产品、耗材的市场营销、推广、产品销售、招投标、设备安装、耗材更换、维修等工作。成都壹科医疗是您了解和购买杭州爱华,声级器、噪声仪、振动仪实验室设备的好帮手。 |