时间:2023-12-30 阅读:448
您是否正在寻找中量程硝酸盐测量,但找不到?Lovibond® 罗威邦新推出测量方法Nitrate MR PP / M261。使用这种方法,您可以快速、轻松地执行任务,只需一袋粉末试剂,即可获得可靠的结果。
硝酸盐是很多行业需要控制的重要参数,特别是在地下水、饮用水处理、废水控制或原水处理应用。在这些应用中,对硝酸盐测试准确性的要求比较高。Lovibond 罗威邦新推出的硝酸盐中量程测试方法 M261 和对应的粉末试剂,量程为 0.5-30 mg/L NO3-N,测量可在不到 10 分钟的时间内完成。
Lovibond 罗威邦 M261 采用锌还原法,使用粉剂试剂,24mm 圆形比色皿。该方法可以使用MD6x0系列便携式多参数光度计,MultiDirect台式多参数光度计以及Lovibond®的XD7x00系列分光光度计测试。试剂包装为 100 次装。
Are you looking for the medium measuring range for nitrate control and can't find it? Lovibond® is now providing it with the new measuring method Nitrate MR PP / M261. With this method you can perform your task fast, easily and with just one PowderPack to get reliable results.
After all, nitrate control is an important area, especially where groundwater is involved, drinking water is treated, wastewater is controlled or raw water is treated. Here, strict standards apply, which must be adhered to requiring regular compulsory controls. With the new M261 method and the new powder reagent, the measuring range 0.5-30 mg/L NO3-N is covered. The measurement is completed in less than 10 minutes.
The zinc reduction method is used here. The analysis with a PowderPack and a sample vial can be carried out with the photometers of the MD6x0 series or the spectrophotometers MultiDirect as well as the XD7x00 series from Lovibond®. The reagent is available as PowderPacks for 100 measurements.