时间:2022-03-14 阅读:39773
我们感谢我们的客户及其对 Inovenso 静电纺丝设备的宝贵工作。以下是我们设备用户发表的一些文章:
- 原位制备纳米羟基磷灰石/海藻酸盐复合材料作为 PVA 电纺纤维添加剂作为新型骨移植材料
- 3软硬SrFe12O19/(CoEu0.02Fe1.98O4)x纳米纤维复合材料的结构、光学和磁性研究
- 4电纺纤维作为水泥粘结氧化铝浇注料中的干燥添加剂
- 5纳米纤维作为纳米造孔剂对熟料砖性能的影响
- 6电纺非织造垫和剪切增稠液的形状稳定复合材料
- 7废鸡羽毛的价值:新型角蛋白纳米纤维导管的制造和表征在外周神经再生中的潜在应用
- 8通过的同轴静电纺丝制造的 pH 敏感 Eudragit L100-55 纳米纤维垫靶向输送焦亚硫酸钠 (SMBS)
- 9具有抗菌活性的电纺聚(ω-十五内酯-co-ε-己内酯)/明胶/壳聚糖三元纳米纤维治疗皮肤感染
- 10负载氨苄青霉素三水合物的 PLA 纳米纤维的静电纺丝:药物浓度和 PLGA 添加对其形态、药物递送和机械性能的影响
- 11仿生和生物活性壳聚糖/聚环氧乙烷纳米纤维作为伤口敷料的设计、制备和体外表征
- 12用于反向电渗析的聚环氧氯丙烷和聚丙烯腈阴离子交换膜的静电纺丝
- 13用于引导骨再生的核/壳氨酸-聚乙烯醇/聚己内酯纳米纤维膜:开发和表征
- 14由聚丙烯和壳聚糖纤维制成的逐层组装、两亲和抗菌混合电纺垫
- 15聚(乙烯醇)和氨酸电纺纳米纤维的静电纺丝参数优化
- 16优化功能化电纺纤维以开发比色氧指示剂作为智能食品包装系统
- 17用于透皮给药的共电纺-电喷雾 PVA/酸纳米纤维:制备、表征和体外细胞相容性
- 18工程多功能杀菌纳米纤维用于腹疝修复
- 19四氧化钛/聚丙烯腈纳米纤维修饰的电化学免疫传感器检测癌胚抗原
- 20基于聚己内酯/丝素蛋白静电纺纳米纤维的横向流动试纸条用于快速简便地测定母乳中的双酚A
- 21负载氨苄霉素三水合物的电纺 PLA 纳米纤维的静电纺丝 I:聚合物浓度和 PCL 添加对其形态、药物递送和机械性能的影响
- 22环己烷二羧酸银银的制备:β-环糊精包合配合物及其在聚(乙烯醇)纳米网生产中的应用
- 23PVDF纳米纤维中高β相的静电纺丝参数的整体研究
- 24用于从室内空气中吸附甲苯的具有纤维素纳米晶体的纳米工程电纺过滤介质的设计和制造
- 25用于 3D 细胞培养的生物复合材料支架:富含蜂胶的聚乙烯醇纳米纤维有利于细胞粘附
- 26用ZnO装饰的电纺芯鞘PAN@PPY纳米纤维:通过形成异质结增强光致水去污
- 27纳米复合材料生物膜的双重静电纺丝:作为抗菌屏障的潜在用途
- 28通过基于静电纺丝的增材制造实现螺旋排列的聚丙烯腈纤维增强的强抗冲击聚乙烯醇薄膜
- 29珊瑚添加和等离子体处理对用于骨组织工程的壳聚糖/聚环氧乙烷纳米纤维性能的组合影响
- 30功能性聚合物纳米纤维:从纺丝制造技术到近的生物医学应用
- 31用于反渗透脱盐的具有纳米纤维交叉影线支撑的复合膜
- 32通过原位扩散实现高性能空气过滤的双峰蛋白质织物
- 33用于连续监测体内生理分子的荧光传感器的开发和优化
- 34绿海藻 ulvan-纤维素支架可增强皮肤组织工程的体外细胞生长和体内血管生成
- 35白藜芦醇纳米晶电纺PCL纳米纤维复合材料的制备、表征及抗菌活性评价
- 36PLA 和 PLA/POSS 纳米纤维的静电纺丝:使用田口优化工艺参数
- 37含有双层电纺伤口敷料的积雪草提取物
- 38用于反向电渗析的静电纺丝法合成多相 PVC 阳离子交换膜
- 39钛 (IV) 氧化物/聚丙烯腈电纺放电电池煤作为超级电容器电极的电化学评价
- 40基于“快速溶解”电纺纳米纤维的药物输送系统的设计和开发进展——系统评价
- 41通过提高催化反应的载体均匀性来稳定金红石纳米棒装饰的 TiO2 纳米纤维上的 3 nm-Pt 纳米颗粒
- 42新型Sm(III)配合物/PMMA电纺复合纤维的光致发光性能
- 43用于骨组织工程的明胶/银纳米颗粒/生物活性玻璃纳米复合材料的静电纺丝工艺变量的优化
- 44聚硼酸乙烯酯/聚乙烯醇(PVB/PVA)共混纳米纤维的制备与表征
- 45功率和进料速率对静电纺丝工艺生产聚氨酯纳米纤维的影响
- 46引发Ph响应性聚(2-二异丙基氨基)乙基甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜的化学气相沉积
- 47Sıcak 长丝 Destekli Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemi İle Süper Su İtici Nano Kaplama Sentezi
- 48聚乙烯醇/碳纳米管(PVA/CNT)导电纳米纤维的制备与表征
- 49用于体内连续血糖监测的荧光传感器的开发与设计
- 50不同灭菌方法对聚酯表面的影响
- 51聚合物纳米纤维:纳米技术的基石
- 52影响参数对电纺明胶纳米纤维电纺工艺和表征的影响
- 53设计一种新型喷嘴原型,以提高静电纺丝过程中的生产力和涂层质量
- 54电纺聚硼酸乙烯酯/聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)(PVB/PMMA)混合纳米纤维
- 55静电纺丝的工业升级和聚合物纳米纤维的应用:综述
- 56热丝化学气相沉积法模板辅助合成光催化二氧化纳米管
- 57紫外光照对新型聚(丙二醇)-B-聚苯乙烯嵌段共聚物制备的金属-聚合物-半导体二极管电学特性的影响
- 58外加功率与进料速率对聚氨酯纳米纤维生产关系的实验研究
- 59用于阴道抗 HIV 药物输送的静电纺丝纤维
- 60Polivinil Borat Sentezin ; Elektrospin Yöntemiyle 纳米纤维 Hazırlanması Ve Karakterizasyonu
- 61木质素基碳纤维的商业可行性分析
- 62静电纺丝抗菌纳米纤维:生产、活性和体内应用
- 63具有改进的生理条件传感设计的葡萄糖敏感纳米纤维支架
- 64利用含有明胶或明胶-醋酸纤维素的电纺纳米纤维防止番茄酱中的脱水收缩
- 65电纺聚乙烯纳米纤维的热导率
- 66用于纳米纤维聚己内酯网的氯仿甲酸溶剂系统
- 67电纺 45S5 生物活性玻璃纳米纤维的制备和体外表征
- 68迈向可扩展的无粘合剂电极:通过电纺 SiO2 纳米纤维的 Mg 还原碳涂层硅纳米纤维纸
- 69具有温度触发可切换润湿性的醋酸纤维素-聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)基功能表面
- 70用于伤口敷料和组织工程的纳米纤维聚己内酯 (PCL) 和胶原蛋白共混聚己内酯的静电纺丝
- 71膦功能化电纺聚(乙烯醇)/二氧化硅纳米纤维作为去除水性锰和镍离子的高效吸附剂
- 72用于高容量和高倍率锂离子电池的独立式 Ni-Nio 纳米纤维布阳极
- 73用仿生钯催化剂功能化的 WO3 纳米管的同轴静电纺丝及其*的氢传感性能
- 74用于生物医学应用的电纺含铈和镓硅酸盐基 13-93 生物活性玻璃纤维
- 75用于抗菌伤口敷料的电纺聚乙烯醇/普朗尼克 F127 含二氧钛混合纳米纤维
- 76静电纺丝 13-93 生物活性玻璃纳米纤维的制备、体外矿化和成骨细胞反应
- 77通过同时静电纺丝 PAN 和 PSU 溶液制造膜
- 78将纳米技术应用于石油工程脱硫过程
- 79静电纺聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)纳米纤维的润湿性和吸湿性研究
- 80通过静电纺丝制备聚己内酯纳米网的替代溶剂系统
- 81从同轴电纺聚己内酯纳米纤维中控制释放亲水性药物
- 82制备无定形药物剂型的微纳米加工技术的新进展
- 83电纺纳米纤维催化剂的制备和氨氢释放效率
- 84使用 PVDF 颗粒增强电纺 PAN 纳米纤维膜的机械和物理性能
- 85扩大生命周期清单框架的提议:用于磷酸铁锂阴极应用的纳米纤维案例
- 86用于高效油水分离的电纺差动润湿膜
- 87分层电纺纤维结构的粘附性及其拉断强度的预测
- 88使用 Box-Behnken 设计将生物活性玻璃颗粒掺入明胶/聚(ε-己内酯)纳米纤维中制备纳米复合材料垫
- 89原位杂交 PVA/Ca2O4Si 纳米纤维抗菌伤口敷料的 Ca3(PO4)2 沉淀分层
- 90用于人工组织的静电纺丝涂层制备蛋白质支架
- 91聚(ε-己内酯)和聚(乳酸-乙醇酸)基纳米纤维支架用于 pH 传感的比较研究
- 92含有氨酰胺的电纺纳米纤维的制备与表征
- 93Yapılı Poli(Akrilonnitril-Vinil Asetat)/Grafen Oksit Yapıların Karakterizasyonu
- 94基于静电纺聚(偏二氟乙烯)纤维的耐用粘合剂
- 95静电纺丝——商业应用、挑战和机遇
- 96US20160274030A1 用于测量分析物的组合物和方法
- 97环氧乙烷、高压釜和紫外线消毒对宠物电纺纤维表面形貌的影响
- 98使用静电纺丝制备 PVDF 分级纤维结构用于干胶应用
- 99用于牙科应用的人造唾液中硅酸盐基 45S5 和 13-93 生物活性玻璃的体外矿化研究
- 100用于改进雾收集应用的分层结构电纺纳米纤维
- 101脂肪酶固定在藻酸盐基复合电纺纳米纤维上的比较研究,具有有效和增强的稳定性
- 102无定形诺贝特的结晶和聚合物共混物电纺基质稳定在其无定形形式的潜力
- 103基于智能手机的水中染料检测以实现环境可持续性
- 104通过组织工程应用的工艺参数定制电纺纳米纤维的结构和内在结构
- 105神经再生用聚(l-乳酸)/氧化石墨烯纳米纤维的理化性质
- 106抗 HIV 杀菌剂的药物输送和开发
- 107商业纳米纤维无纺布支持的正向渗透薄膜复合膜
- 108基于分层聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)电纺纤维的干粘合剂
- 109具有抗菌功能的电纺聚(ε-己内酯)纤维膜的制备与表征
- 110超细纤维无针静电纺丝的新进展:从学术界到工业生产
- 111具有增强润湿性的热响应电纺膜
- 112用于雾收集应用的电纺串珠分层纤维
- 113铝箔上三维镀金电喷雾纳米结构 BODIPY 薄膜作为表面增强拉曼散射平台及其催化应用
- 114一种用于水包油乳液分离的高通量聚醋酸乙烯酯涂层电纺尼龙6/SiO2复合微滤膜,提高了防污性能
- 115柱纵横比对分级电纺纤维结构剪切粘合强度的影响
- 116碱解氯化法制备抗菌聚丙烯腈纳米纤维
- 117静电纺丝前后等离子体处理对静电纺丝 PCL 纳米纤维改善细胞相互作用的影响
- 118使用电纺盘膜过滤果汁
- 119光敏材料从小分子到材料的基础研究
- 120在具有外部平面电极的射频等离子体反应器中通过等离子体聚合对表面进行疏水涂层:合成、表征和生物相容性
- 121聚(ε-己内酯)-聚多巴胺涂层纳米纤维和聚(ε-己内酯)-碳纳米管复合支架的力学性能和疲劳分析
- 122三层强霉素胶原纳米纤维伤口敷料的评价
- 123各向异性微纤维支架增强诱导多能干细胞衍生的心肌细胞的组织和功能
- 124用于控制水分捕获和释放的热响应性醋酸纤维素-聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)核壳纤维
- 125微纤维支架增强诱导多能干细胞的内皮分化和组织
- 126大气压等离子体射流处理聚-ε-己内酯聚合物溶液以改善静电纺丝
- 127甘蔗渣衍生纤维素提高了用于组织工程的聚丙交酯和聚二恶烷酮电纺支架的性能
- 128用于集水应用的热响应电纺纤维
- 129介质阻挡放电 (DBD) 处理对壳聚糖/聚环氧乙烷纳米纤维及其细胞相互作用的影响
- 130等离子体处理对纳米纤维支架表面化学、润湿性和细胞相互作用的影响
- 131静电纺丝:一种用于生产用于生物医学和组织工程应用的纳米纤维材料的多功能加工技术
- 132纳米纤维的溶液静电纺丝
- 133Microesferas magnéticas de polifluoruro de vinilideno para estimulación 细胞体外。Determinación y control de los parametros del proceso de fabricación
- 134用于释放阿素的电纺聚氨酯纳米纤维垫的制备
- 135静电纺鱼肌浆蛋白基纳米纤维的制备和表征
- 136用于骨组织工程的聚(ε-己内酯)/磷酸三钙/六方氮化硼复合材料新型纤维结构的制备
- 137提高纳米纤维产量——追求的进展、机制、挑战和原因
- 138用于高效和可切换油水分离的电纺 Janus 膜
- 139镁合金防腐涂层——电纺超疏水聚苯乙烯/SiO2复合纤维
- 140两种不同收集器静电纺丝工艺的比较研究-收集方法对纳米纤维直径的影响
- 141单针和同轴电纺淀粉样蛋白纳米纤维的比较研究,以研究亲水性药物释放行为
- 142激光等离子体实验中使用的低密度多孔材料综述
- 143混合或物理吸附掺入环丙星的PLGA电纺支架的抗菌性能
- 144用于骨组织工程的生物活性玻璃/羟基磷灰石电纺聚(ε-己内酯)复合纳米纤维
- 145具有蛋白质的核壳混合纳米线可实现高性能复合聚合物电解质的快速离子传导
- 146用于阴道内释放纳米药物的 pH 响应聚氨酯膜的设计和开发
- 147甲基的松龙负载延迟释放纳米纤维的开发和表征
- 148静电纺丝法开发碳纳米纤维纱
- 149热处理条件对静电纺丝制备硼酸镁纤维的影响
- 150聚乙烯 (PVA)/壳聚糖 (CS) 混合比对电纺纳米纤维的形态、光学和热性能的影响
- 151温度、粘度和表面张力对改性 3D 打印机生产的明胶结构的影响
- 152聚甲基倍半硅氧烷浓度对电喷雾粒子形貌的影响
- 153用于膜制造的静电纺丝-策略和应用
- 154三乙酰基-β-环糊精 (TA-β-CD) 功能化低密度聚乙烯的静电纺丝以大限度地减少硫气味挥发性化合物
- 155围绕压印丙烯酸酯微球编织的电纺聚苯乙烯纤维作为对羟基苯甲酸酯衍生物的吸附剂
- 156在聚乳酸纳米纤维中封装吲哚绿用作生物医学诊断中的纳米探针
- 157电纺聚(对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)支架的制备:表征及其对体外细胞增殖的潜力
- 158可溶性淀粉包覆银纳米粒子的抗菌聚乙烯醇纳米复合垫的制备
- 159组织工程用静电纺丝溶液的大气压等离子喷射处理制备 PEOT/PBT 纳米纤维
- 160用于膜蒸馏的高度疏水电纺还原氧化石墨烯/聚(偏二氟乙烯-共-六氟丙烯)膜
- 161电喷雾微滴的界面聚合——制备可控的超薄聚酰胺膜
- 162有机溶液中等离子体诱导化学增强电纺 PLA 纳米纤维的研究
- 163基于 Levan 的纤维支架通过同轴和单针技术静电纺丝用于组织工程应用
- 164微纳米纤维聚己内酯支架作为可翻译的骨传导移植物用于治疗无感染的肌肉骨骼缺陷
- 165通过冷大气等离子体排列、抗菌活性和生物相容性修饰电纺 PVA/PAA 支架
- 166电纺聚乳酸和微晶纤维素的形态和力学表征
- 167纳米纤维明胶基非织造布弹性促进上皮组织发生
- 168PA6纳米纤维生产:旋转喷射纺丝和静电纺丝的比较
- 169- US20180142379A1 - 含氟聚合物的静电纺丝
- 170- US20180215882A1 - 可溶胀和不溶性纳米纤维及其在处理基本含水流出物中的用途
- 171- US20180301690A1 - 金属氧化物纳米纤维电极及方法
- 172聚乳酸溶液的等离子体改性以产生高质量的电纺 PLA 纳米纤维
- 173Polivinil alkol kompozit nanoliflerin hazırlanması ve katı-faz polivinil alkol'ün fotokatalitik bozunması
- 174静电纺丝制备的聚合物和金属氧化物结构纳米纤维复合材料作为高效析氢催化剂
- 175含13-93生物活性玻璃的电纺聚ε-己内酯复合纳米纤维垫的制备与矿化
- 176用于胶质母细胞瘤治疗的盐霉素纳米纤维
- 177Spunbond Dokusuz Tekstil Yüzeyi Üzerine Elektro Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Boyutta Grafen Kaplanması ve Karakterizasyonu
- 178超疏水EVA共聚纤维——化学成分对润湿性和光物理性能的影响
- 179还原氧化石墨烯掺杂的P(AN-VAc)纳米纤维毡/PP纺粘多层纳米复合材料的电磁屏蔽效果研究
- 180电纺法浓缩酸樱桃 (Prunus cerasus L.) 的单轴和同轴封装及其体外生物可及性
- 181电纺聚乙烯纳米纤维的热导率
- 182用于伤口敷料应用的基于核壳聚羟基链烷酸酯 (PHA) 的纳米纤维的细菌触发释放强效杀菌剂
- 183Studium kinetiky funkcionalizace povrchu nanovláken po aktivaci plazmatem
- 184使用基于纳米纤维的电极检测有机分子
- 185使用受控工作参数静电纺丝的随机和高度排列的 PCL 纤维的广泛直径范围
- 186PCL薄膜和纳米纤维的生产前后等离子体处理以改善细胞-材料相互作用的比较研究
- 187基于聚己内酯/聚(琥珀酸乙烯酯)的细菌响应单层和核壳纳米纤维膜用于按需释放杀菌剂
- 188亚大气压下沉积在聚(ε-己内酯)纳米纤维网上的基于环丙胺的等离子体聚合物的生物相容性
- 189仿生支架诱导神经组织再生
- 190由共电纺胶原蛋白和 PLLCL 组成的仿生混合支架,用于 3D 细胞培养
- 191基于 TiO2 纳米纤维的半导体湿度传感器的开发——吸附动力学和 DFT 计算
- 192硅藻壳结合 PHBV/PCL-普鲁兰共电纺支架用于骨组织工程
- 193双效核壳静电纺丝支架——促进成骨细胞成熟并降低细菌活性
- 194灭菌过程中紫外线照射时间对纳米纤维伤口敷料性能的影响
- 195用于 CO 氧化的 CeO2 纳米纤维负载贵金属(Pt、Pd 和 Ru)催化剂的电子显微镜研究
- 196静电纺丝和静电纺丝纳米纤维——方法、材料和应用
- 197静电纺丝 - 设置和程序
- 198离散纳米粒子的电喷雾沉积——脉冲场电喷雾和分析应用的研究
- 199聚酯电纺纤维,具有纳米和微米直径,负载抗氧化剂,用作伤口敷料或组织工程支架
- 200聚己内酯 (PCL) 微粒中包裹的褪黑激素作为一种有前途的移植材料
- 201Si3N4 和 Si3N4 /MWCNT 陶瓷复合材料上新型电喷涂生物羟基磷灰石涂层的研究
- 202使用高通量交流无针和无收集器静电纺丝制备具有纳米纤维包膜的双功能复合纱线
- 203柔性 S/DPAN/KB 纳米纤维复合材料作为锂硫电池的无粘合剂阴极
- 204衍生化合物制氢-电纺纳米晶Co3O4催化剂的制备及其活性
- 205改进静电纺丝制备的金属氧化物催化剂在甲醇分解制氢中的催化性能
- 206改进的多细胞反应、仿生矿化、血管生成和减少异物反应的改性聚二恶烷酮支架用于骨骼组织再生
- 207等离子体表面改性改善碳纳米管在静电纺聚丙烯腈纤维中的分散性
- 208Hg(II)在铁改性蒙脱土/聚己内酯纳米纤维膜上吸附的动力学和等温线研究
- 209用于伤口愈合应用的电纺纳米纤维的新进展
- 210用于同时识别和治疗伤口感染的脂肪酶反应性电纺治疗诊断伤口敷料
- 211无针静电纺丝
- 212基于聚(ε-己内酯)/槲皮素混合物和仿生细菌 S 层涂层的新型可生物降解和非污染控释系统
- 213PHBV/PCL 和 PHBV/PLGA 电纺垫的详细机械响应研究
- 214US10197498B2 - 用于测量分析物的组合物和方法
- 215US10211449B2 - 电池电极和方法
- 216由聚己内酯和氧化再生纤维素组成的具有抗粘连层的聚丙烯复合疝气网
- 217在环境条件下通过溶液静电纺丝制备聚丙烯微纤维
- 218医用电纺聚乳酸/海藻酸钠/橙壳复合纳米纤维的制备与表征
- 219单/多功能GO制备电纺PCL基支架
- 220散文 parametreleri ve çözelti özelliklerinin koaksiyal elektropüskürtme yönetemi ile elde edilen nanopartiküllerin morfolojik özellikleri üzerine etkisi
- 221流变学对果胶和聚环氧乙烷共混物形成纳米纤维的作用
- 222电纺 PCL 纤维尺寸、取向和等离子体改性表面化学对干细胞行为的协同作用
- 223静电纺丝法制备锆酸钙纳米纤维的合成与表征
- 224用于脂肪酶固定的静电纺 PVA/Zn2+ 金属复合纳米纤维的合成和表征,具有有效的热稳定性、pH 稳定性和可重复使用性
- 225对位芳纶纳米纤维的合成及力学性能
- 226镁合金的神经引导导管应用
- 227电感耦合等离子体 (ICP) 聚合对聚己内酯 (PCL) 纳米纤维的硫醇化——物理、化学和生物学特性
- 228用于生物医学应用的电纺纳米纤维
- 229使用静电纺丝将隔膜层压到电极上
- 230Y2O3 和 MgO 稳定的氧化锆纳米纤维的静电纺丝和热处理过程中演变相组成和形态的表征
- 231使用电纺 PVDF 纳米纤维应变传感器测量弦的冲击特性
- 232在等离子体处理的有机溶剂中形成的自由基和离子:合理增强聚己内酯电纺性的机理研究
- 233大气压等离子体喷射处理的聚己内酯聚合物溶液对静电纺丝性能的老化效应
- 234负载奈唑胺的 PLGA 纳米纤维的静电纺丝:溶剂对其可纺性、药物输送、机械性能和抗菌活性的影响
- 235用于伤口愈合监测的卤化复合纳米纤维垫
- 236电纺 SiBNC 纳米纤维的合成与形貌优化
We thank our customers and their valuable works with Inovenso Electrospinning Devices. Below are some of the articles published by users of our equipment:
- 1Effects of drug concentration and PLGA addition on the properties of electrospun ampicillin trihydrate-loaded PLA nanofibers
1Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Erciyes University, 38280 Kayseri, Turkey
2Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Ankara University, 06560 Ankara, Turkey
- 2In situ preparation of nanohydroxyapatite/alginate composites as additives to PVA electrospun fibers as new bone graft materials
- 3An investigation on structural, optical and magnetic properties of hard-soft SrFe12O19/(CoEu0.02Fe1.98O4)x nanofiber composites
- 4Electrospun fibers as drying additive in cement-bonded alumina castables
- 5Effect of nanofiber as nanopore maker agent on the performance of clinker bricks
- 6Shape-Stable Composites of Electrospun Nonwoven Mats and Shear-Thickening Fluids
- 7Valorization of Waste Chicken Feathers: Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Keratin Nanofiber Conduits for Potential Application in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
- 8Targeted delivery of sodium metabisulfite (SMBS) by pH-sensitive Eudragit L100-55 nanofibrous mats fabricated through advanced coaxial electrospinning
- 9Electrospun poly(ω-pentadecalactone-co-ε-caprolactone)/gelatin/chitosan ternary nanofibers with antibacterial activity for treatment of skin infections
- 10Electrospinning of ampicillin trihydrate loaded PLA nanofibers: effect of drug concentration and PLGA addition on its morphology, drug delivery and mechanical properties
- 11Design, preparation and in vitro characterization of biomimetic and bioactive chitosan/polyethylene oxide based nanofibers as wound dressings
- 12Electrospinning of Polyepychlorhydrin and Polyacrylonitrile Anionic Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis
- 13Core/Shell Glycine-Polyvinyl Alcohol/Polycaprolactone Nanofibrous Membrane Intended for Guided Bone Regeneration: Development and Characterization
- 14Layer-By-Layer Assembled, Amphiphilic And Antibacterial Hybrid Electrospun Mat Made From Polypropylene And Chitosan Fibers
- 15Optimization of Electrospinning Parameters for Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) and Glycine Electrospun Nanofibers
- 16Optimization of functionalized electrospun fibers for the development of colorimetric oxygen indicator as an intelligent food packaging system
- 17Co-electrospun-electrosprayed PVA/folic acid nanofibers for transdermal drug delivery: Preparation, characterization, and in vitro cytocompatibility
- 18Engineering multifunctional bactericidal nanofibers for abdominal hernia repair
- 19An electrochemical immunosensor modified with titanium IV oxide/polyacrylonitrile nanofibers for the determination of carcino embriyonic antigen
- 20Polycaprolactone/silk fibroin electrospun nanofibers‐based lateral flow test strip for quick and facile determination of bisphenol A in breast milk
- 21Electrospinning of ampicillin trihydrate loaded electrospun PLA nanofibers I: effect of polymer concentration and PCL addition on its morphology, drug delivery and mechanical properties
- 22Preparation of Silver Cyclohexane di Carboxylate: Β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes and Their Use in the Production of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanowebs
- 23Holistic Investigation of the Electrospinning Parameters for High Percentage of β-phase in PVDF Nanofibers
- 24Design and fabrication of nano-engineered electrospun filter media with cellulose nanocrystal for toluene adsorption from indoor air
- 25Biocomposite scaffolds for 3D cell culture: Propolis enriched polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers favoring cell adhesion
- 26Electrospun core-sheath PAN@ PPY nanofibers decorated with ZnO: photo-induced water decontamination enhanced by formation of a heterojunction
- 27Dual electrospinning of a nanocomposites biofilm: Potential use as an antimicrobial barrier
- 28Helicoidally Arranged Polyacrylonitrile Fiber-Reinforced Strong and Impact-Resistant Thin Polyvinyl Alcohol Film Enabled by Electrospinning-Based Additive Manufacturing
- 29Combinatorial effects of coral addition and plasma treatment on the properties of chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibers intended for bone tissue engineering
- 30Functional polymer nanofibers: from spinning fabrication techniques to recent biomedical applications
- 31Composite Membranes with Nanofibrous Cross-hatched Supports for Reverse Osmosis Desalination
- 32A Bimodal Protein Fabric Enabled via In-Situ Diffusion for High-Performance Air Filtration
- 34Green seaweeds ulvan-cellulose scaffolds enhance in vitro cell growth and in vivo angiogenesis for skin tissue engineering
- 35Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity evaluation of electrospun PCL nanofiber composites of resveratrol nanocrystals
- 36Electrospinning of PLA and PLA/POSS nanofibers: Use of Taguchi optimization for process parameters
- 37Centella Asiatica Extract Containing Bilayered Electrospun Wound Dressing
- 38Heterogeneous PVC cation-exchange membrane synthesis by electrospinning for reverse electrodialysis
- 39Electrochemical evaluation of Titanium (IV) Oxide/Polyacrylonitrile electrospun discharged battery coals as supercapacitor electrodes
- 40Progress in the design and development of “fast-dissolving” electrospun nanofibers based drug delivery systems - A systematic review
- 41Stabilizing 3 nm-Pt nanoparticles in close proximity on rutile nanorods-decorated-TiO2 nanofibers by improving support uniformity for catalytic reactions
- 42Photoluminescence Properties of a New Sm(III) Complex/PMMA Electrospun Composite Fibers
- 43Optimization of the electrospinning process variables for gelatin/silver nanoparticles/bioactive glass nanocomposites for bone tissue engineering
- 44Preparation And Characterization Of Polyvinyl Borate/Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVB/PVA) Blend Nanofibers
- 45The Effects of Power and Feeding Rate on Production of Polyurethane Nanofiber with Electrospinning Process
- 46Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Ph Responsive Poly(2-Diisopropylamino)Ethyl Methacrylate Thin Films
- 47Sıcak Filament Destekli Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemi İle Süper Su İtici Nano Kaplama Sentezi
- 48Preparation And Characterization Of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Carbon Nanotube (PVA/CNT) Conductive Nanofibers
- 49The development and design of fluorescent sensors for continuous in vivo glucose monitoring
- 50Effects of different sterilization methods on polyester surfaces
- 51Polymer Nanofibers: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology
- 52Affecting Parameters On Electrospinning Process And Characterization Of Electrospun Gelatin Nanofibers
- 53Design Of A Novel Nozzle Prototype For Increased Productivity And Improved Coating Quality During Electrospinning
- 54Electrospun Polyvinyl Borate/Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (PVB/PMMA) Blend Nanofibers
- 55Industrial Upscaling of Electrospinning and Applications of Polymer Nanofibers: A Review
- 56Template Assisted Synthesis Of Photocatalytic Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes By Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
- 57UV Illumination Effects On Electrical Characteristics Of Metal–Polymer–Semiconductor Diodes Fabricated With New Poly(Propylene Glycol)-B-Polystyrene Block Copolymer
- 58Experimental Study on Relationship of Applied Power And Feeding Rate on Production of Polyurethane Nanofibre
- 59Electrospun Fibers For Vaginal Anti-HIV Drug Delivery
- 60Polivinil Borat Sentezin ; Elektrospin Yöntemiyle Nanofiber Hazırlanması Ve Karakterizasyonu
- 61Commercial Viability Analysis of Lignin Based Carbon Fibre
- 62Electrospun Antibacterial Nanofibers: Production, Activity, And In Vivo Applications
- 63Glucose-sensitive nanofiber scaffolds with an improved sensing design for physiological conditions
- 64Utilization Of Electrospun Nanofibers Containing Gelatin Or Gelatin-cellulose Acetate For Preventing Syneresis In Tomato Ketchup
- 65Thermal Conductivity Of Electrospun Polyethylene Nanofibers
- 66Chloroform-Formic Acid Solvent Systems for Nanofibrous Polycaprolactone Webs
- 67Preparation And In Vitro Characterization Of Electrospun 45S5 Bioactive Glass Nanofibers
- 68Towards Scalable Binderless Electrodes: Carbon Coated Silicon Nanofiber Paper via Mg Reduction of Electrospun SiO2 Nanofibers
- 69Cellulose Acetate–Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Based Functional Surfaces with Temperature-Triggered Switchable Wettability
- 70Electrospinning Of Nanofibrous Polycaprolactone (PCL) And Collagen-Blended Polycaprolactone For Wound Dressing And Tissue Engineering
- 71Phosphine-Functionalized Electrospun Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)/Silica Nanofibers As Highly Effective Adsorbent For Removal Of Aqueous Manganese And Nickel Ions
- 72Free-Standing Ni–Nio Nanofiber Cloth Anode For High Capacity And High Rate Li-Ion Batteries
- 73Coaxial Electrospinning Of WO3 Nanotubes Functionalized With Bio-İnspired Pd Catalysts And Their Superior Hydrogen Sensing Performance
- 74Electrospun Cerium And Gallium-Containing Silicate Based 13-93 Bioactive Glass Fibers For Biomedical Applications
- 75Electrospun Polyvinyl Alcohol/ Pluronic F127 Blended Nanofibers Containing Titanium Dioxide For Antibacterial Wound Dressing
- 76Preparation, In Vitro Mineralization And Osteoblast Cell Response Of Electrospun 13–93 Bioactive Glass Nanofibers
- 77Membrane manufacturing via simultaneous electrospinning of PAN and PSU solutions
- 78Applying Nanotechnology to the Desulfurization Process in Petroleum Engineering
- 79Investigation of wettability and moisture sorption property of electrospun poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanofibers
- 80Alternative Solvent Systems For Polycaprolactone Nanowebs Via Electrospinning
- 81Controlled Release Of A Hydrophilic Drug From Coaxially Electrospun Polycaprolactone Nanofibers
- 82Recent Developments In Micro- And Nanofabrication Techniques For The Preparation Of Amorphous Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
- 83Fabrication Of Electrospun Nanofiber Catalysts And Ammonia Borane Hydrogen Release Efficiency
- 84Enhancement Of Mechanical And Physical Properties Of Electrospun PAN Nanofiber Membranes Using PVDF Particles
- 85Proposal Of A Framework For Scale-Up Life Cycle Inventory: A Case Of Nanofibers For Lithium Iron Phosphate Cathode Applications
- 86Electrospun Differential Wetting Membranes for Efficient Oil–Water Separation
- 87On the adhesion of hierarchical electrospun fibrous structures and prediction of their pull-off strength
- 88Fabrication of nanocomposite mat through incorporating bioactive glass particles into gelatin/poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibers by using Box–Behnken design
- 89Ca3(PO4)2 precipitated layering of an in situ hybridized PVA/Ca2O4Si nanofibrous antibacterial wound dressing
- 90Fabrication of protein scaffold by electrospin coating for artificial tissue
- 91Comparative Study of Poly (ε-Caprolactone) and Poly(Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid) -Based Nanofiber Scaffolds for pH-Sensing
- 92Preparation and characterization of electrospun nanofibers containing glutamine
- 93Yapılı Poli(Akrilonitril-Vinil Asetat)/Grafen Oksit Yapıların Karakterizasyonu
- 94Durable adhesives based on electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) fibers
- 95Electrospinning—Commercial Applications, Challenges and Opportunities
- 96US20160274030A1 Compositions and methods for measurement of analytes
- 97Effect Of Ethylene Oxide, Autoclave and Ultra Violet Sterilizations On Surface Topography Of Pet Electrospun Fibers
- 98Fabrication of PVDF hierarchical fibrillar structures using electrospinning for dry-adhesive applications
- 99Investigation of in vitro mineralization of silicate-based 45S5 and 13-93 bioactive glasses in artificial saliva for dental applications
- 100Hierarchical Structured Electrospun Nanofibers for Improved Fog Harvesting Applications
- 101A comparative study for lipase immobilization onto alginate based composite electrospun nanofibers with effective and enhanced stability
- 102Crystallisation of amorphous fenofibrate and potential of the polymer blend electrospun matrices to stabilise in its amorphous form
- 103Smartphone-based detection of dyes in water for environmental sustainability
- 104Tailoring of Architecture and Intrinsic Structure of Electrospun Nanofibers by Process Parameters for Tissue Engineering Applications
- 105Physical and Chemical Properties of Poly (l-lactic acid)/Graphene Oxide Nanofibers for Nerve Regeneration
- 106Drug Delivery and Development of Anti-HIV Microbicides
- 107Thin film composite membranes for forward osmosis supported by commercial nanofiber nonwovens
- 108Dry-adhesives based on hierarchical poly (methyl methacrylate) electrospun fibers
- 109Fabrication and characterization of electrospun poly(e-caprolactone) fibrous membrane with antibacterial functionality
- 110Recent Advances in Needleless Electrospinning of Ultrathin Fibers: From Academia to Industrial Production
- 111Thermoresponsive electrospun membrane with enhanced wettability
- 112Electrospun Bead-On-String Hierarchical Fibers for Fog Harvesting Application
- 113Three-Dimensional Au-Coated Electrosprayed Nanostructured BODIPY Films on Aluminum Foil as Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Platforms and Their Catalytic Applications
- 114A high flux polyvinyl acetate-coated electrospun nylon 6/SiO2 composite microfiltration membrane for the separation of oil-in-water emulsion with improved antifouling performance
- 115Effect of pillar aspect ratio on shear adhesion strength of hierarchical electrospun fibrous structures
- 116Antibacterial polyacrylonitrile nanofibers produced by alkaline hydrolysis and chlorination
- 117Effects of pre-and post-electrospinning plasma treatments on electrospun PCL nanofibers to improve cell interactions
- 118Filtration of juices by using electrospun pan membrane
- 119Fundamental Investigation of PhotoActive Materials From Small Molecules to Materials
- 120Hydrophobic coating of surfaces by plasma polymerization in an RF plasma reactor with an outer planar electrode: synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility
- 121Mechanical properties and fatigue analysis on poly(ε- caprolactone)-polydopamine-coated nanofibers and poly(ε- caprolactone)-carbon nanotube composite scaffolds
- 122Evaluation of three-layered doxycycline-collagen loaded nanofiber wound dressing
- 123Anisotropic microfibrous scaffolds enhance the organization and function of cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells
- 124Thermoresponsive Cellulose Acetate−Poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) Core−Shell Fibers for Controlled Capture and Release of Moisture
- 125Microfibrous scaffolds enhance endothelial differentiation and organization of induced pluripotent stem cells
- 126Atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment of poly-ε-caprolactone polymer solutions to improve electrospinning
- 127Sugar-cane bagasse derived cellulose enhances performance of polylactide and polydioxanone electrospun scaffold for tissue engineering
- 128Thermoresponsive electrospun fibers for water harvesting applications
- 129Effects of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Treatment on Chitosan/Polyethylene Oxide Nanofibers and Their Cellular Interactions
- 130Effects of plasma treatment on the surface chemistry, wettability, and cellular interactions of nanofibrous Scaffolds
- 131Electrospinning: A versatile processing technology for producing nanofibrous materials for biomedical and tissue-engineering applications
- 132Solution electrospinning of nanofibers
- 133Microesferas magnéticas de polifluoruro de vinilideno para estimulación celular in vitro. Determinación y control de los parámetros del proceso de fabricación
- 134Preparation of electrospun polyurethane nanofiber mats for the release of doxorubicine
- 135Production and characterization of electrospun fish sarcoplasmic protein based nanofibers
- 136Production of the novel fibrous structure of poly(ε-caprolactone)/tri-calcium phosphate/hexagonal boron nitride composites for bone tissue engineering
- 137Raising Nanofiber Output- The Progress, Mechanisms, Challenges, and Reasons for the Pursuit
- 138Electrospun Janus Membrane for Efficient and Switchable Oil–Water Separation
- 139Anti-corrosion coating for magnesium alloys- electrospun superhydrophobic polystyrene/SiO2 composite fibers
- 140A comparative study of electrospinning process for two different collectors- The effect of the collecting method on the nanofiber diameters
- 141A comparative study of single-needle and coaxial electrospun amyloid-like protein nanofibers to investigate hydrophilic drug release behavior
- 142A review of low density porous materials used in laser plasma experiments
- 143Antibacterial Properties of PLGA Electrospun Scaffolds Containing Ciprofloxacin Incorporated by Blending or Physisorption
- 144Bioactive glass/hydroxyapatite- containing electrospun poly (ε-Caprolactone) composite nanofibers for bone tissue engineering
- 145Core–Shell Hybrid Nanowires with Protein Enabling Fast Ion Conduction for High‐Performance Composite Polymer Electrolytes
- 146Design and development of pH-responsive polyurethane membranes for intravaginal release of nanomedicines
- 147Development and characterization of methylprednisolone loaded delayed release nanofibers
- 148Development of Carbon Nanofiber Yarns by Electrospinning
- 149Effect of heat treatment conditions on magnesium borate fibers prepared via electrospinning
- 150Effect of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/chitosan (CS) blend ratios on morphological, optical and thermal properties of electrospun nanofibers
- 151Effect of temperature, viscosity and surface tension on gelatine structures produced by modified 3D printer
- 152Effects of Polymethylsilsesquioxane concentration on morphology shape of electrosprayed particles
- 153Electrospinning for membrane fabrication- Strategies and applications
- 154Electrospinning of tri-acetyl-β-cyclodextrin (TA-β-CD) functionalized low-density polyethylene to minimize sulfur odor volatile compounds
- 155Electrospun polystyrene fibers knitted around imprinted acrylate microspheres as sorbent for paraben derivatives
- 156Encapsulation of indocyanine green in poly(lactic acid) nanofibers for using as a nanoprobe in biomedical diagnostics
- 157Fabrication of electrospun poly(ethylene terephthalate) scaffolds: Characterization and their potential on cell proliferation in vitro
- 158Fabrication of Antibacterial Polyvinylalcohol Nanocomposite Mats with Soluble Starch Coated Silver Nanoparticles
- 159Fabrication of PEOT/PBT Nanofibers by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment of Electrospinning Solutions for Tissue Engineering
- 160Highly Hydrophobic Electrospun Reduced Graphene Oxide/Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) Membranes for Use in Membrane Distillation
- 161Interfacial Polymerization with Electrosprayed Microdroplets- Toward Controllable and Ultrathin Polyamide Membranes
- 162Investigation of plasma‐induced chemistry in organic solutions for enhanced electrospun PLA nanofibers
- 163Levan based fibrous scaffolds electrospun via co-axial and single-needle techniques for tissue engineering applications
- 164Micro-Nanofibrillar Polycaprolactone Scaffolds as Translatable Osteoconductive Grafts for the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Defects without Infection
- 165Modification of electrospun PVA/PAA scaffolds by cold atmospheric plasma- alignment, antibacterial activity, and biocompatibility
- 166Morphological and Mechanical Characterization of Electrospun Polylactic Acid and Microcrystalline Cellulose
- 167Nanofibered Gelatin‐Based Nonwoven Elasticity Promotes Epithelial Histogenesis
- 168PA6 nanofibre production: A comparison between rotary jet spinning and electrospinning
- 169Patent - US20180142379A1 - Electrospinning of fluoropolymers
- 170Patent - US20180215882A1 - Swellable and insoluble nanofibers and use thereof in the treatment of essentially aqueous effluents
- 171Patent - US20180301690A1 - Metal oxide nanofiber electrode and method
- 172Plasma Modification of Poly Lactic Acid Solutions to Generate High Quality Electrospun PLA Nanofibers
- 173Polivinil alkol kompozit nanoliflerin hazırlanması ve katı-faz polivinil alkol'ün fotokatalitik bozunması
- 174Polymeric and metal oxide structured nanofibrous composites fabricated by electrospinning as highly efficient hydrogen evolution catalyst
- 175Preparation and mineralization of 13-93 bioactive glass-containing electrospun poly-epsilon-caprolactone composite nanofibrous mats
- 176Salinomycin-loaded Nanofibers for Glioblastoma Therapy
- 177Spunbond Dokusuz Tekstil Yüzeyi Üzerine Elektro Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Boyutta Grafen Kaplanması ve Karakterizasyonu
- 178Superhydrophobic EVA copolymer fibers- the impact of chemical composition on wettability and photophysical properties
- 179The investigation of the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of multi-layered nanocomposite materials from reduced graphene oxide-doped P(AN-VAc) nanofiber mats/PP spunbond
- 180The uniaxial and coaxial encapsulations of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) concentrate by electrospinning and their in vitro bioaccessibility
- 181Thermal Conductivity of Electrospun Polyethylene Nanofibers
- 182Bacteria-triggered release of a potent biocide from core-shell polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based nanofibers for wound dressing application
- 183Studium kinetiky funkcionalizace povrchu nanovláken po aktivaci plazmatem
- 184Using Of Nanofiber Based Electrodes For Detection Of Organic Molecules
- 185Wide-ranging diameter scale of random and highly aligned PCL fibers electrospun using controlled working parameters
- 186A comparative study on pre- and post-production plasma treatments of PCL films and nanofibers for improved cell-material interactions
- 187Bacteria-Responsive Single and Core–Shell Nanofibrous Membranes Based on Polycaprolactone/Poly(ethylene succinate) for On-Demand Release of Biocides
- 188Biocompatibility of Cyclopropylamine-Based Plasma Polymers Deposited at Sub-Atmospheric Pressure on Poly (ε-caprolactone) Nanofiber Meshes
- 189Bioinspired scaffold induced regeneration of neural tissue
- 190Biomimetic hybrid scaffold consisting of co-electrospun collagen and PLLCL for 3D cell culture
- 191Development of TiO2 nanofibers based semiconducting humidity sensor- adsorption kinetics and DFT computations
- 192Diatom shell incorporated PHBV/PCL-pullulan co-electrospun scaffold for bone tissue engineering
- 193Dual effective core-shell electrospun scaffolds- Promoting osteoblast maturation and reducing bacteria activity
- 194Effects of UV Exposure Time on Nanofiber Wound Dressing Properties During Sterilization
- 195Electron Microscopy Investigation of CeO2 Nanofibers Supported Noble Metal (Pt, Pd and Ru) Catalysts for CO Oxidation
- 196Electrospinning and Electrospun Nanofibers- Methods, Materials, and Applications
- 197Electrospinning- The Setup and Procedure
- 198Electrospray Deposition of Discrete Nanoparticles- Studies on Pulsed-Field Electrospray and Analytical Applications
- 199Electrospun Fibers of Polyester, with Both Nano- and Micron Diameters, Loaded with Antioxidant for Application as Wound Dressing or Tissue Engineered Scaffolds
- 200Encapsulated melatonin in polycaprolactone (PCL) microparticles as a promising graft material
- 201Examination of novel electrosprayed biogenic hydroxyapatite coatings on Si3N4 and Si3N4 /MWCNT ceramic composite
- 202Fabrication of dual-functional composite yarns with a nanofibrous envelope using high throughput AC needleless and collectorless electrospinning
- 203Flexible S/DPAN/KB Nanofiber Composite as Binder-Free Cathodes for Li-S Batteries
- 204Hydrogen production from sodium borohydride originated compounds- Fabrication of electrospun nano-crystalline Co3O4 catalyst and its activity
- 205Improved catalytic performance of metal oxide catalysts fabricated with electrospinning in ammonia borane methanolysis for hydrogen production
- 206Improved Multicellular Response, Biomimetic Mineralization, Angiogenesis, and Reduced Foreign Body Response of Modified Polydioxanone Scaffolds for Skeletal Tissue Regeneration
- 207Improvement of carbon nanotube dispersion in electrospun polyacrylonitrile fiber through plasma surface modification
- 208Kinetics and Isotherms Studies of the Adsorption of Hg(II) onto Iron Modified Montmorillonite/Polycaprolactone Nanofiber Membrane
- 209Latest Progress in Electrospun Nanofibers for Wound Healing Applications
- 210Lipase-Responsive Electrospun Theranostic Wound Dressing for Simultaneous Recognition and Treatment of Wound Infection
- 211Needle-less Electrospinning
- 212Novel biodegradable and non-fouling systems for controlled-release based on poly(ε-caprolactone)/Quercetin blends and biomimetic bacterial S-layer coatings
- 213On the detailed mechanical response investigation of PHBV/PCL and PHBV/PLGA electrospun mats
- 214Patent - US10197498B2 - Compositions and methods for measurement of analytes
- 215Patent - US10211449B2 - Battery electrode and method
- 216Polypropylene composite hernia mesh with anti-adhesion layer composed of polycaprolactone and oxidized regenerated cellulose
- 217Polypropylene microfibers via solution electrospinning under ambient conditions
- 218Preparation and characterization of electrospun polylactic acid/sodium alginate/orange oyster shell composite nanofiber for biomedical application
- 219Preparation of electrospun PCL-based scaffolds by mono/multi-functionalized GO
- 220Proses parametreleri ve çözelti özelliklerinin koaksiyal elektropüskürtme yönetemi ile elde edilen nanopartiküllerin morfolojik özellikleri üzerine etkisi
- 221Role of rheology on the formation of Nanofibers from pectin and polyethylene oxide blends
- 222Synergetic effect of electrospun PCL fiber size, orientation and plasma-modified surface chemistry on stem cell behavior
- 223Synthesis and characterization of calcium zirconate nanofibers produced by electrospinning
- 224Synthesis and characterization of electrospun PVA/Zn2+ metal composite nanofibers for lipase immobilization with effective thermal, pH stabilities and reusability
- 225Synthesis and mechanical properties of para‐aramid nanofibers
- 226Nerve guidance conduit application of magnesium alloys
- 227Thiolation of polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) polymerization- Physical, chemical and biological properties
- 228Electrospun nanofibers for biomedical applications
- 229Lamination of Separators to Electrodes using Electrospinning
- 230Electrospinning of Y2O3- and MgO-stabilized zirconia nanofibers and characterization of the evolving phase composition and morphology during thermal treatment
- 231Measurement of impact characteristics in a string using electrospun PVDF nanofibers strain sensors
- 232Radicals and Ions Formed in Plasma-Treated Organic Solvents: A Mechanistic Investigation to Rationalize the Enhancement of Electrospinnability of Polycaprolactone
- 233Aging effect of atmospheric pressure plasma jet treated polycaprolactone polymer solutions on electrospinning properties
- 234Electrospinning of linezolid loaded PLGA nanofibers: effect of solvents on its spinnability, drug delivery, mechanical properties, and antibacterial activities
- 235Halochromic composite nanofibrous mat for wound healing monitoring
- 236Synthesis and morphology optimization of electrospun SiBNC nanofibers