Acanthamoeba healyi Moura et al.

TS131918Acanthamoeba healyi Moura et al.

参考价: 面议

2023-08-17 10:49:50







产品名称: Acanthamoeba healyi Moura et al.
商品货号: TS131918
Strain Designations: BB-12-3SW-MX
Biosafety Level: 2

Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.

sewage outfall, Bethany Beach, Maryland, 1984
Product Format: frozen
Type Strain: no
Medium: ATCC® Medium 711: PYB
ATCC® Medium 711: PYB
ATCC® Medium 997: Fresh water ameba medium
Growth Conditions:
Temperature: 25.0°C
Protocol: ATCCNO: 50655 SPEC: The strain is distributed as a frozen stabilate. See general instructions for thawing and storage of frozen material before proceeding. Remove the frozen ampule from the dry ice and transfer directly to a 35C water bath. After thawing the ampule, transfer the contents to the surface of an ATCC medium 997 or 711 agar plate (20 x 100 mm). Spread the material evenly over the surface of the plate with a sterile spread bar. The food bacterium, Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048, is present in the thawed material. Wrap the plate with time tape or parafilm and incubate upright at 25C. Many trophozoites should be visible within 2-3 days. Transfer the culture every 28 days as follows: Aseptically remove a small block of agar (approximately 5 mm square) containing cysts and, at the edge of an ATCC medium 997 or 711 agar plate containing a lawn of Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048, invert the block onto the surface. Wrap the new plate and incubate as above. The trophozoites will migrate away from the agar block to the opposite edge of the plate. Continue to subculture as above.
Protocol: ATCCNO: 50655 SPEC: The strain is distributed as a frozen stabilate. See general instructions for thawing and storage of frozen material before proceeding. Remove the frozen ampule from the dry ice and transfer directly to a 35C water bath. After thawing the ampule, transfer the contents to the surface of an ATCC medium 997 or 711 agar plate (20 x 100 mm). Spread the material evenly over the surface of the plate with a sterile spread bar. The food bacterium, Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048, is present in the thawed material. Wrap the plate with time tape or parafilm and incubate upright at 25C. Many trophozoites should be visible within 2-3 days. Transfer the culture every 28 days as follows: Aseptically remove a small block of agar (approximately 5 mm square) containing cysts and, at the edge of an ATCC medium 997 or 711 agar plate containing a lawn of Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048, invert the block onto the surface. Wrap the new plate and incubate as above. The trophozoites will migrate away from the agar block to the opposite edge of the plate. Continue to subculture as above.

1.xa0 Allow the cells to encyst.xa0 To detach cysts from the plate flush the surface with 5 ml fresh ATCC medium 1323 (Pages Balanced Salt Solution).xa0 Rub the surface of the plate with a spread bar to detach adhering cysts.

2.xa0xa0 Transfer the liquid medium to a sterile centrifuge tube.

3.xa0 If the cyst concentration does not exceed 2 x 106 cysts/ml adjust the suspension to that concentration.xa0 To adjust the concentration, centrifuge at 600 x g for 5 min and resuspend the pellet in the volume of fresh medium required to yield 2 x 106.

4. xa0 While cells are centrifuging prepare a 15% (v/v) solution of sterile DMSO as follows: Add the required volume of DMSO to a glass screw-capped test tube and place it in an ice bath.xa0 Allow the DMSO to solidify.xa0 Add the required volume of refrigerated medium.xa0 Dissolve the DMSO by inverting the tube several times.xa0

*NOTE: If the DMSO solution is not prepared on ice, an exothermic reaction will occur that may precipitate certain components of the medium.

5.xa0 Mix the cell preparation and the DMSO in equal portions. Thus, the final concentration will be at least 106 cysts/ml and 7.5% (v/v) DMSO.xa0 The equilibration timexa0 (the time between addition of DMSOxa0 and the start ofxa0 the cooling cycle) should be no less than 15 min and no longer than 30 min.

6.xa0xa0 Dispense in 0.5 ml aliquots into 1.0 - 2.0 ml sterile plastic screw-capped cryules (special plastic vials for cryopreservation).

7.xa0xa0 Place the vials in a controlled rate freezing unit.xa0 From room temperature cool at -1°C/min to -40°C.xa0 If the freezing unit can compensate for the heat of fusion, maintain rate atxa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0 -1°C/min through the heat of fusion.xa0 At -40°C plunge into liquid nitrogen. Alternatively, place the vials in a Nalgene 1°C freezing apparatus.xa0 Place the apparatus at -80°C for 1.5 to 2 hours and then plunge ampules into liquid nitrogen.xa0 (The cooling rate in this apparatus is approximately

xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0 -1°C/min.)

8.xa0 The frozen preparations are stored in either the vapor or liquid phase of a nitrogen freezer.

9.xa0xa0 To establish a culture from the frozen state place an ampule in a water bath set at 35°C (2-3 min). Immerse the vial to a level just above the surface of the frozen material. Do not agitate the vial.

10.Immediately after thawing, aseptically remove the contents of the ampule and distribute to the center of a fresh plate of ATCC medium 711.xa0 Distribute the material evenly over the plate using a spread bar.xa0 Incubate at 25°C.

Name of Depositor: TK Sawyer
Year of Origin: 1984
上一篇:BioXCell,FGK4.5-CP133:RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD40抗体介绍 下一篇:micromod:磁性粒子Magnetic particles简述
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