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Degarelix.html" style="color: rgb(7, 130, 193);">DegarelixMCE 国际站:Degarelix.html" style="color: rgb(7, 130, 193);">Degarelix
品牌:MedChemExpress (MCE)
CAS:Degarelix.html" style="color: rgb(7, 130, 193);">214766-78-6
中文名称:Degarelix.html" style="color: rgb(7, 130, 193);">地加瑞克
Synonyms:地加瑞克; FE 200486 free base
存储条件:密封保存,远离潮湿 粉末 -80°C 2年 -20°C 1年 *溶剂中:-80°C,2年;-20°C,1年(密封保存,远离潮湿)
产品活性:Degarelix (FE 200486 free base) 是一种对人类促性腺激素释放激素 (GnRH) 受体具有高亲和力/选择性的十肽(IC50 = 3 nM)。Degarelix (FE 200486 free base) 用于前列腺癌的研究。
体外:Degarelix (FE 200486 free base) 有非常弱的组胺释放特性,并且在所有 LHRH 拮抗剂中,包括 Cetrorelix (HY-P0009)、Abarelix (HY-13534) 和 Ganirelix (HY-P1628),其组胺释放能力最·低[1]。 Degarelix (1 nM-10 μM, 0-72 小时) 会降低所有前列腺细胞系 (WPE1-NA22, WPMY-1, BPH-1, VCaP 细胞) 的细胞活力,PC-3 细胞除外[4]。 Degarelix (10 μM, 0-72 小时) 通过诱导凋亡直接影响前列腺细胞生长[4]。 MCE尚未独立证实这些方法的准确性。仅供参考。
体内:Degarelix (FE 200486 free base) (0-10 μg/kg; 皮下注射; 一次) 以剂量依赖性方式降低去势大鼠的血浆 LH 水平和血浆睾酮水平[5]。 Degarelix (FE 200486 free base) 在动物肝脏组织的微粒体和冷冻保存的肝细胞中培养时是稳定的。在大鼠和狗中,大部分 Degarelix 剂量在 48 小时内通过尿液和粪便以相等的量(每种基质 40-50%)排泄,而在猴子中,主要的排泄途径是粪便 (50%) 和肾脏 (22%)[6]。 MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.
IC50 & Target:GnRHR[1]
热销产品:Bay 60-7550 | AZD0156 | Bestatin | 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone | Iberdomide | Mitoxantrone | Neratinib | Octreotide (acetate) | PhiKan 083 | (Z)-Ligustilide
Trending products:Recombinant Proteins | Bioactive Screening Libraries | Natural Products | Fluorescent Dye | PROTAC | Isotope-Labeled Compounds | Oligonucleotides
[1]. Rick FG, et al. An update on the use of degarelix in the treatment of advanced hormone-dependent prostate cancer. Onco Targets Ther. 2013 Apr 16;6:391-402.
[2]. Sakai M, et al. In search of the molecular mechanisms mediating the inhibitory effect of the GnRH antagonistdegarelix on human prostate cell growth. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 26;10(3):e0120670.
[3]. Broqua P, et al. Pharmacological profile of a new, potent, and long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormoneantagonist: degarelix. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002 Apr;301(1):95-102.
[4]. Sonesson A, et al. Metabolite profiles of degarelix, a new gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist, in rat, dog, and monkey. Drug Metab Dispos. 2011 Oct;39(10):1895-903.
[5]. Anders Sonesson, et al. In Vitro and In Vivo Human Metabolism of Degarelix, a Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Blocker. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. July 2013, 41 (7) 1339-1346.[6]. Degarelix.
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