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面议burkert 8802带定位系统阀门宝帝8802 The design of the System Type 8802 Continuous CLASSIC enables the easy integration of digital automation modules whether they are simple Positioner BASIC, burkert 8802带定位系统阀门宝帝8802 high-capacity Positioner with optional integrated fi eldbus interface or even a digital Process Controller with easy handling thanks to the backlighting of the graphics display.
burkert 8802允许将数字式自动化单元简单地集成到所有结构分级中。从简单的基本型定位器,经过带有可选现场总线接口的高效定位器,直至性能完备的数字式过程调节器(通过一个有背景照明的图像显示器进行操作)。高度集成的系统由调节阀和自动化单元构成,其特征在于设计的紧凑性和表面光滑性、集成式的控制空气管道、防护级 IP65/67/NEMA4X 以及高化学抗性。
burkert 8802 A valve system Continuous CLASSIC Type 8802-DD consists of an diaphragm control valve Type 2731 and a digital electropneumatic positioner Type 8692, a digital electropneumatic process controller Type 8693, burkert 8802 a digital electropneumatic positioner BASIC Type 8694 (previous page), an electropneumatic positioner SideControl Type Type 8792/8793 and Type 8635 (below) (see separate datasheets).