北京中惠普分析技术研究所成立于1994年,是一所集科、工、贸于一体的新兴技术企业,是目前国内规模较大的气相色谱仪气源发生器的配套厂家,产品涵盖高纯度氢气、高纯度氮气、低噪声空气源等各种流量单体机及各种相关组合机。Z近,又于业内*适合各个领域使用的便携式微型高纯氢气发生器;产业化隔膜式无油空气泵,真正实现了纯无油空气源。我们坚持质量*、用户*的服务准则,产品遍及全国,并出口挪威、阿根廷、韩国、乌克兰等国家。 Beijing BCHP Analytical Technology Institute was founded in 1994,is a high-tech enterprise with an integration of technology, industry and trade. It is famous for its tremendous technology force, advanced manufacturing technic and flexible marketing strategy. BCHP specializes in producing gas generators for gas chromatograph,including high-purity nitrogen generator, high-purity hydrogen generator and low-noise air enerator. It is the domestic leader in its industry.The products of BCHP have been sold throughout China and exported to Pakistan, Ukraine, Singapore,Thailand,Argentina, Algeria, Norway and many other countries.