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2016/9/30 13:57:18HYDAC:贺德克柴油过滤 | ||
移动你的工作机和多功能车操作的zui严厉的条件:HYDAC柴油PreCare。 为了确保disruption-free操作车辆和保护的所有组件电机免受损害,佳制备柴油是特别重要的。 新的柴油PreCare计划、HYDAC提供了一个潮流的柴油过滤系统保护车辆制造商和运营商对业务中断,宕机和过早服务调用。 过滤粒子消除 的功能 高容量过滤器HCF 是消除柴油微粒污染。 它的设计使得它适合去除大量的污染单程可靠,从而保证所需的清洁。 脱水的聚结 柴油是脱水 高容量的聚结器HVC。 这里使用的元素并不像通常是可消费的物品在过滤元素吸收游离水。多亏了 高容量的聚结器HVC 从HYDAC 大量柴油因此可以脱水效率,确保资源的使用负责。 |
Your first choice for working machines and utility vehicles which are operated in the harshest of conditions: HYDAC Diesel PreCare. In order to secure disruption-free operation of vehicles and to protect all of the components of the motor against damage, optimum preparation of the diesel fuel is of particular importance. With its new Diesel PreCare programme, HYDAC offers a trend-setting system for diesel filtration which protects vehicle manufacturers and operators against operations disruptions, downtimes and premature service calls.
The HYDAC concept for optimum fluid cleaning:
Filtration for particle elimination
The function of the High Capacity Filter HCF is to eliminate particle contamination from the diesel. Its design makes it ideally suited to removing large quantities of contamination reliably in a single-pass, thereby guaranteeing the required cleanliness.
Dewatering by coalescence
Diesel is dewatered in the High Volume Coalescer HVC. The elements used here are not consumable items as is usually the case in filter elements which absorb free water. Thanks to the High Volume Coalescer HVC from HYDAC large diesel volumes can thus be dewatered efficiently, ensuring responsible use of resources.