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2017/1/5 12:06:39

流量传感器的可能用途非常多样,从一般空调技术到萃取系统,一直到监测冷却剂和润滑剂回路。与监测风扇或泵的旋转运动的间接流监测相反,利用该原理,介质的流动被直接监测,因此还能够检测污染的过滤器以及流动回路中的堵塞或堵塞。可调节的流量值可以提供流量下降到zui小可接受限度以下的提前警告,例如,以迅速地启动排气系统上的维护工作。 Proxitron流量传感器的零维护和磨损操作意味着它们优于其他传感器系统,如空气方向继电器和叶片式风速计,并且在需要可靠*流量监测的情况下成为。
无缝封闭外壳中的传感器设计使其非常适合在高污染环境中使用。 Proxitron空气流量传感器(空气流量监测器)及其全塑料外壳,在任何存在腐蚀性化学气体环境的家中。它们甚至耐受来自电镀浴的硫酸负载烟雾,并且可以无缺陷地操作许多年。
液体流量传感器具有常见管螺纹尺寸的不锈钢过程连接。在这两种情况下,变量都可用于交流或直流工作电压,具有不同的开关输出类型或具有模拟输出。该设备可以提供各种长度的固定连接电缆或常用的M12插头连接器。 Proxitron流量传感器的突出之处还在于它们易于操作。在按下按钮时,传感器检测流量并调整流量极限值,以可靠地检测流量的故障。这提供了在工业领域以及空调技术和楼宇自动化的各种可能的用途。该范围由协调配件完成,其中包括传感器的耐压安装。无论何时需要高性能但具有成本效益的解决方案来进行流量监控,我们非常乐意为您提供专业知识。

The design of the sensors in a seamless enclosed housing makes them perfect for use in high-pollutionenvironments. Proxitron air flow sensors (air flow monitors), with their all-plastic housing, are at home wherever there are aggressive chemical atmospheres. They are even resistant to sulphuric-acid-laden fumes from galvanic baths, and can operate flawlessly for many years.

Flow sensors from Proxitron are available in various versions. A distinction is made between sensors formonitoring media in gas form and in liquid form.

Flow sensors for gases (also known as air flow monitors) mostly have a compact plastic housing, allowing them to be easily installed in existing exhaust systems or ventilation systems.

Flow sensor for liquids have stainless steel process connections in common pipe thread sizes. In both cases, variants are available for AC or DC operating voltage, with different switching output types or with analogue output. The devices can be supplied both with fixed connection cables of various lengths or with the customary M12 plug connector. Proxitron flow sensors are also distinguished by their ease of operationAt the push of a button, the sensor detects the flow und adjusts the flow limit value to reliably detect a breakdown of the flow. This offers a variety of possible uses in a large range of sectors of industry, as well as for air-conditioning technology and building automation. The range is completed by coordinated accessories, allowing among other things pressure-resistant installation of the sensors. Wherever a high-performance but cost-effective solution is required for flow monitoring, we are happy to place our expertise 



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