Bürkert电感式导电率测定仪 burkert 8228 型,应用于不同的工业工艺中,可在腐蚀性或浓缩介质(如:酸液、碱液或者含盐量高、测量范围大的流体)中进行测量。宝德8228这里有许多应用,如:冷却水监测(比如:排污控制)、工业水处理或准备,以及滴定设备监测(比如:在 CIP 工艺中)。宝德的电感式电导率仪 8228 型设备有两种规格可用: - *是标准规格( G2 “工艺接口安装于 S020 型配件上 - 第二是 CIP 规格(夹具 2” 工艺接口,根据 ASME BPE)(夹具 1.5” 可以询价)。burkert电导率仪100us/cm—2S/cm浓缩流体和广泛的电导率范围、用于直接调试的预定参数变量。宝德电导率仪8228 12-36VDC可直接连接至 PLC 的紧凑型测量仪、诊断用工艺值模拟、PEEK, PVDF 或 PP 传感器包含的规格。
burkert 8228电感式电导率仪基本介绍:
Bürkert’s inductive conductivity meter type 8228 is designed for usage under harsh conditions in many industrial processes for measuring in concentrated liquids like acids, caustics or salt-solutions over a wide measuring range.Applications like cooling water monitoring (i.e. dilution control), industrial water treatment or preparation and identification of cleaning liquids for example in CIP (Clean In Place) processes.
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