


2017/8/27 20:05:26

燃气炉 生物颗粒炉 焦炭炉 碳晶炉 煤炉 油炉等炉型中使用石墨碳化硅坩埚时火焰的控制。燃气炉 生物颗粒炉 焦炭炉 碳晶炉 煤炉 油炉等炉型中使用石墨碳化硅坩埚时火焰的控制
Flame control
错误的做法:喷火嘴位置过高,火焰直接烧到坩埚而不是底座;火嘴位置没调整好,这造成火焰总是烧到坩埚的某一侧,从而使得该侧损坏。Wrong practice: The position of the burner is too high, the flame is directly burned to the crucible instead of the base; the position of the fire mouth is not adjusted properly, which causes the flame to always burn to one side of the crucible, so that the side is damaged.
Right practice: The flame first moves around the base and then rises around the crucible, adjusting the height of the flame, causing the flame to rotate around the crucible in tangential direction.

1.火焰的高度与底座持平,沿底座的切线方向进入,先绕过底座,然后围绕坩埚盘旋上升。The height of the flame is preferably equal to the height of the base, along the tangential direction of the base, first around the base, and then around the crucible.
2.为保护坩埚釉层,避免坩埚氧化,火焰应为轻微的氧化性气氛(燃油炉的火焰头部呈现淡绿色)。In order to protect the crucible glaze layer, to avoid oxidation of the crucible, the flame should be a slight oxidizing atmosphere (fuel burner flame head appears pale green).
3.为保证坩埚整体的均匀加热,避免某个部位过热,应使用合适的燃烧器和燃烧喷嘴,且火力不能过大。To ensure uniform heating of the crucible as a whole, to avoid overheating of a part, use the appropriate burner and combustion nozzle, and the firepower cannot be too large.



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