

德国朗博中国技术服务中心 >> 进入商铺

2017/10/19 9:57:09

A liquid column creates a hydrostatic pressure due to its weight. This pressure depends only on the level of the liquid column - regardless of its volume. Based on the density of the liquid this pressure can be converted into the level of the tank. Given the tank shape, level and weight can be calculated.

Especially for these calculations the user-interface software of LABOM measurement device has been fully optimised. Lengthy calculations of height and volume based on complicated tables are not necessary anymore.

During set-up, input for all key parameters is prompted one by one. Likewise, the teach-in of the tank shape only requires the user to input the current filling volume, or weight, at several intervals. Based on this, the measuring device automatically calculates all other relevant parameters after the filling process has been completed

The measured value can be displayed as level, volume, or weight of the tank content. Additionally, the instrument supports users in gauging the total volume of a given tank with a guided menu. 



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